Shara Elisee

Ontario Canada
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Joined: Sat Jan 26 05:11:02 UTC 2019
I am 5ft 7in, 40 year old wife to the best husband in the world, mother to the sweetest, and most adorable 6 year old fraternal twins, who’s been blessed beyond her wildest dreams. This year I am extremely determined to get my body back so I can feel like myself again and enjoy the activities that I love so much. I’d like to be able to wear anything and not worry about my back rolls, my arms, my love handles and my stomach. I’d like to look myself in the mirror and not see a double chin, I’d like to go back to being front and centre in photos and not shy away from the camera. I just want to be me again, feel like me again, give my husband the sexy wife he married 17 years ago but most importantly I would like to be fit and healthy again, to enjoy life with my kids and my family without any limitations or deterrences.