Newbie here! Looking to lose weight and ideas on food,snacks etc.....



I am new here and I need some help. I am determined to lose weight this time around but I have some questions to ask:


1. I would like to know some meal and snack ideas people eat during the day?

2. Does anyone on here do intermittent fasting combines with low carb?

3. What are some things easy to do and what do people eat at night for dinner?

4. Any certain pieces of bread, snacks at grocery stores that are low carb? no sugar?


SO HERE I AM!! I cannot wait until I lose some weight I am not happy with myself so I have to do something. Now that I am almost 50 years old body changes etc.... and we get older and we have to start taking care of ourselves more! so any suggestions, opinions ANYTHING HELPS!!!




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  • Yes, I do intermittent fasting. My last meal is around 5:30 p, then, when I wake up, I make myself some coffee with sunflower oil and cream in it - sometimes, I put butter.. Then I keep myself busy until around 11:15 am. For lunch. I will have some meat with either some tomato slices and a salad or a sandwhich with some keto flatbreads with chicken salad, tomato and mayo.  I try to drink 1 or 2 glasses of water in the afternoon or maybe a cup of coffee again around 4 pm. For supper, around 5:30 pm, I make myself about the same thing as for lunch but with a different meat: it could be a beef hamburger or some ham with greens and oil/vinegar/cream/salt/pepper as vinaigrette. That is it. I already lost around 30 pounds since January, 2019. This keto diet has become my lifestyle now. No way am I going to go back to my old habits - they are responsible for my overweight condition. Now that I am taking my life back into my hands, I will not let some nasty sugar take control again. Hope that this helps you!!

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