Suggestions I've Collected Over a Few Weeks

I've been keeping track of ideas/things that have bothered me in this app as I've been using it and compiled them below.  I just want to let you know that this is all intended as constructive criticism- I LOVE your app! These are just some details what would help take this app from awesome to perfect. You are by far the best food logging app that I have used, and I will happily continue to use and pay for it. You guys are great!

1. I'm not 100% sure I know the fix, but the overall meal assignment is clunky, annoying, and probably my least favorite thing about the app. I don't like having to go through the verification of the meal every time I make a change to the amount or time of the food. I don't like the initial popup for mealtimes. It would be much easier if the meal were perhaps a dropdown variable in the food logging screen, maybe below the "Add Today" and "Time" fields. I assume it would then just have a default meal option. Also, It'd be really nice to be able to drag the foods to different meals, because it's really just a hassle to reassign them otherwise.

2. Let premium users add/delete meals, instead of just letting us edit the names.

3. Allow users to auto-classify meals by the time eaten (e.g. Anything logged as eaten between 7am and 9am is breakfast)

4. Let us mark a day as "Written off", where we failed to count Calories on that day, maybe assume that it is out TDEE, and exclude it from any compiled data

5. Even if we are mainly tracking Net Calories, please show total Calories consumed somewhere on the dashboard. It shows the Total Calories for each meal, but does not add them before subtracting exercise Calories.

6. Please improve the use of the back arrow on the Android mobile app. I'm constantly closing out of the app because it is far easier and more intuitive to click the system back arrow rather than x out at the top left (really tough for righties on large phones). For instance, when I go to add food and it takes me to the new screen, the back button should take me to the daily dashboard. Currently, it minimizes the app.

7.  Being able to type in the time of a food would be nice, especially since the clock selector is awkward in a resized browser

8. Since I'm already using this app to log weight, it would be amazing if there were some way to keep track of the goal milestones I set for myself. For instance, if I have told myself, "you can buy that spa day once you hit 85kg and stay at or below that for one week". I don't know if I'm envisaging this as a separate tab that you check, or a pop up, or what, but it'd just be a fun thing

9. When I'm searching for a food, recent/frequent/logged before food should be integrated into the results ranking.

10. Widgets please! Specifically, a quick add food, a quick add weight, and a quick scan food.

11. Allow us to set default food measurements. For instance, I weigh almost all my food in grams. I log butter in grams very frequently, but every time I go to add it, even from my frequents or favorites, it is in Tablespoons. It would be great if I could set a default to grams for all foods that have that unit of measurement available.

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  • These are great suggestions.

    I really want the better back button, better results rankings, and widgets!

    Like 1
    • Merendis
    • Merendis
    • 6 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    I just want to say- I noticed the change in the meal assignment, and it's SO much better, it's working great! Thank you so much!

  • Thank YOU for the great feedback! We really appreciate it!

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  • 6 yrs agoLast active
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