Is Keto Diet really the way to go?

Keto Diet is better and healthy. Period!

I started Keto since almost 1.5 years ago and I’m addicted to it. Keto helps me maintain my diet while reducing my cravings. All in all, once you get the hang of it, you will see how it helps a person maintain their body.

Let's look at 8 Huge LIFE Advantages of Keto Diet -

1) Weight Loss - Keto diet has a huge impact on weight loss. One can see quick results on dropping stubborn weight within just a week.

2) More Energy throughout the entire day - Your body can only store so much glycogen and because of this, you need to constantly refuel if you want to maintain your energy levels.

However, your body already has plenty of fat to work with and it can store more fat so that means in ketosis it has an energy source that will never run out. This means that you’ll find yourself with more energy throughout the day.

Imagine a world where you don’t feel like you need to take a nap after lunch?

That is the lifestyle of ketogenic.

3) More Focus, More Productivity - When you’re in ketosis and your brain uses ketones as a fuel source, it has a consistent fuel source that it can rely on which means you can focus for longer periods of time compared to the problem with carbs as an energy source is that they cause your blood sugar levels to rise and fall. Because the energy source isn’t consistent it’s harder for your brain to stay focused for long periods of time.

So, Ketogenic is the way to go!

4) Crave Control - Time and time, we humans, think it won't matter if we have a cheat day once a week or twice a week right?  Whether you take one bite of junk food or a whole plate, junk is junk. When on Keto diet, you will have Appetite Control.

You find that you’re not as hungry as often and you don’t end up with random cravings that cause you to eat bad things (unhealthy foods)

5) Lowers Blood Pressure - High blood pressure is always the sign of future heart problems. Keto does a wonderful job of helping to lower blood pressure.

6) Helps To Fight Cancer - Ketosis aids to cancer treatment. Cancer cells flourish using energy produced from glucose fermentation instead of cellular respiration. They are also fueled from the fermentation of the amino acid glutamine.

With ketogenic diets, lowering carbohydrates will reduce your levels of glucose, the fuel that feeds cancer cells. This will put your body into ketosis and will assist in depleting cancer cells of their energy supply.

6) Increases HDL Cholesterol - There are two types of cholesterol - HDL and LDL.
HDL is the good cholesterol that carries cholesterol away from the body and to the liver where it can be reused or excreted. LDL, on the other hand, carries cholesterol from the liver and to the rest of the body.

On Keto, the level of triglycerides in your body decreases, while the HDL levels increase. The Triglycerides: HDL ratio is a strong indicator of heart disease.
The higher it is, the greater your risk of heart disease.

7) Helps To Fight Type II Diabetes - Ketogenic diet removes sugars from the diet, it helps to lower the HbA1c count and can effectively reverse Type II diabetes.

This Ketogenic CookBook has 148 special quick recipes to help you out in your daily busy life.

Hope that gave some good insights on Ketogenic Lifestyle. :)

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