How much weight can I lose a week?

I'm currently 37, female weighing in at 151lbs at 5'3 height. My goal is to get to 130lbs. I do not work out although I do have a treadmill at home. I have been eating keto for two months losing 14lbs so far. My net carbs are 20g or lower a day, I keep my protein intake under 30% and my fat under 70-80%. I've recently lowered my calories to 1000 a day, totaling 7000 per week. I also incorporated intermittent fasting by finishing my last meal at 6pm and not eating again until noon the following day. I don't feel tired or sluggish and I've started sleeping better. I know I'm in ketosis because I've done keto before. However, I've never cut my calories this low before and I'm not sure if it will make a difference. 

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  • 3 yrs agoLast active
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