low Blood ketone on keto mojo


I'm new to keto. I started my journey two weeks ago.  I first started testing use urine strips to see if I was in ketosis, then started use the Keto Mojo. My first reading was 1.5. But ever since then my number have been low. I tested my levels today and it was .9, but I lost three pound since yesterday afternoon. I weighted 189 at around 5:15 pm yesterday, its 10:32 and I weigh 186. I'm losing weight but my ketone level are low.   

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    • Jjwhitis
    • Jjwhitis
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Hi Lisa,

    First of all, the strips can be really hard to get a good read on, so it's good you switched to the Keto Mojo.  As far as your levels, so much of that depends on when you do the testing.  I would pick one time of the day and use it each time you test if possible.  For me specifically, I almost never have good ketone level readings.  Still, I have lost around 45 pounds over the last year and a half.  I would love to consistently see readings above 1.5 but mostly mine are around .3.   Strive to get those good numbers, but just be encouraged by the fact that you are losing weight.  Also, it is best to take an average on that weight loss.  You may be down 3 pounds today and up 2 tomorrow.  Don't sweat it, just stay the course and you will be rewarded.



  • Jjwhitis Thank you so much. I was starting to think I was doing some wrong. 

    • Andrew Meyer
    • Software Developer
    • Andrew_Meyer
    • 4 yrs ago
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    I completely agree with Jjwhitis . Urine strips are in-accurate, they just show the accumulation of ketones that the body is removing since the last time you peed, it doesn't show you what your ketone levels are in your blood at that moment.

    The other point about doing the blood ketone testing at the same time each day is a good one. I personally do it first thing in the morning, before consuming anything. I measure both my glucose and ketone levels, this gives me my "fasting" blood sugar levels which should be at their lowest for the day since I haven't eaten since the previous day.

    I try not to eat past about 8:00 pm, but the last few weeks I have been eating small amounts later. Also after you have been in ketosis for a few months the body gets better at utilizing free fatty acids without having to convert them into ketones.

    Ketones only get produced when the Krebs cycle, sometimes called the "citric-acid cycle", gets overloaded. As your body gets "fat adapted" this cycle can handle more fatty acids and the body doesn't need to produce as many ketones.

    Bottom line if you are seeing the results you want in weight/fat loss and feeling more energized and overall feeling better then don't sweat the small stuff. Keep track of things so you can learn how your body reacts and to see if changes in the numbers correlate to changes in how you feel.

  • Andrew Meyer Thank you! I also started IF (16/8) this week. I don't eat after 5:30.  I did test after my first meal of the day, so I think you and James are right. 

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