Starting 1/1/20___for health more than weight!

Good Morning!!

My name is Meredith and my inspiration is my SIL.  I don't think she's even on here, so she shouldn't mind me talking about her.  She's feeling her best in YEARS!!  I spent a few days with her after Christmas and obviously she looks great, but I can tell she really feels great too.  That's what I need and want. 

Anyhow, my main goals here are to track carbs (and cals too) and to have some accountability in regards to healthy actions like working out, drinking my water, eating vegetables and not just meat, etc.  I've been dealing with some stomach issues and before I make myself do an AIP diet for a few weeks I am going to give real keto a try.  I know when I did Whole30 a few months back it made me feel tons better, but it's just not realistic for a lifestyle (it's not meant to be honestly).  Anyhow these are my January goals:

1.  Workout at least 20 minutes for 31 of 31 days.  This just needs to be focused time spent on me working out in some form.  I need to become one of those people who gets up early to workout, but I'm also going to be realistic about what I achieve now and improve it over the course of the year.

2.  Take a pic of my face every day this month.  Seems silly, but I think if I do this it should help me see results that I am just not seeing.  Also, it will take a couple of months for other people to notice, so I need to make sure I can see it for myself and not rely on others.

3.  Track! TRACK!! TRACK!!!  Seriously, I need to use the app every day for every morsel of food I eat, water I drink, and step I take.

Ok, I think that's enough about me.  If anyone else is starting today, please feel free to add on to my topic and introduce yourself.

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