Please implement a dark mode for the visually impaired.  I can barely see this app and so have decided to purchase a different carb tracking app because that one is dark and readable.  I wish developers would err on the side of caution and just make the apps dark with larger font or at least have a dark and light mode for those who may not have good vision.  I would gladly pay for this app if the font weren’t so small and the background was dark enough for me to see. Until then another carb counting app will get my money. It’s sad because I really like this app a lot. 😩 Accessibility should be every app developers main priority. 

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  • Hi EllieJade85 😊 EllieBelle here! Very well said, and I agree with you 100%. I’m delighted to see your request about improvements for the visually impaired.

    So, to the CM Team I wish to add my 2 cents. I, too, have a very difficult time reading text on your app. Nowadays it seems the trend is for developers to use light gray text against a white background to make digital content visually appealing. This is by far the worst thing they can do to people who struggle with vision deficiencies. Putting on eyeglasses doesn’t always solve the problems. Deficiencies are often much more complicated than that.

    For instance, because of two detached retinas, I struggle with depth perception problems, To get around that, it’s imperative for there to be high contrast between a background color and text color. The fix is simple: use a white background and black text. The best option would be to give users the option to change the size and color as needed, as EllieJade85 suggested. 

    I’ve been using CM for about 10 days now and I love it!! I plan to continue using the app as long as I’m following the keto lifestyle — that is, as long as I’m able to see all the text.

    Thank you in advance for your consideration. I hope you and your team decide to implement these changes in the very near future. 

  • EllieBelle you said this beautifully and in a much much more articulate way  than I ever could! I struggle to see so many apps because developers all use the same template of gray font on a white/light background. Someone in the development room should always be thinking about accessibility. It would make for a much more user friendly app and would ensure more business.   I am reluctantly paying for a different app to track my carbs when I really want to use Carb Manager exclusively! The one I use is called Keto Diet. I literally only paid for that one over this one because  it is  black and easy for me to read. I hope the developers of this app pay attention and at least allow the option for a dark mode. Fingers crossed. 

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  • EllieJade85  Thank you! I’m sorry to hear you switched to another app. I’m hoping to ride it out for a little while to see if the CM Team makes the requested improvements. After all, we have to do what’s best for us — it’s not like our eyesight will ever get better, unfortunately. Best wishes and much success!

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