Pre-logging Time Correction

When you pre-log meals the day before carb manager sets the meal time at the pre-log, not the actual log time the next day. This requires the extra step of editing the log time for every pre-logged meal to correct the time… was this intentional? Seems like it would make more sense to leave the time blank at pre-log and record the time of the actual log entry. Can you fix this? Thanks

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  • I totally get where you're coming from with the pre-logged meals setting the meal time at the pre-log time. While I'm not directly affiliated with Carb Manager, it's possible that the time setting was intentional to ensure that users can keep track of their planned meals more easily. However, it's definitely worth suggesting to the Carb Manager team that they consider changing this setting to allow for more flexibility with recording meal times.

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  • 1 yr agoLast active
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