Macros: Goals vs. Actual

I am regularly not hitting my daily Macro goals. Is there a way to generate a report that takes my meal log and tells me an average of what Macros I am actually hitting over a specific time period?

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    • Onat Bas
    • onatbas
    • 10 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Yes, there is a way to generate a report that provides an average of the Macros you are hitting over a specific period. I think this feature is available in the pro version, though.

    Under the "Goals" feature, you can access various types of reports.

    To show you an example, here's how it looks for my protein macros.

    Insights also give you some info as to the most contributing foods you've had etc. It's actually pretty cool.

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  • 10 mths agoLast active
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