Newbie Here - High Triglycerides & Keto?

I just got my blood work results from my cardiologist and my cholesterol numbers are all terrible, with my triglycerides in the high 200’s and my HDL low. I want to do Keto but I’m unsure if it will worsen this or help.  The cardiologist’s NP said I should “watch my carbs” however when I spoke to the cardiologist himself and asked about Keto, he said he doesn’t know where he stands on keto because most people see it as a license to eat all the bacon and saturated fats in the world like a free for all. He said he has nothing against Keto if it’s done properly. Can anyone offer any advice if you’ve suffered with bad cholesterol numbers and what did you do if anything to make Keto work for you? I also need to lose 80 lbs btw. Thanks in advance!

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  • I had these issues so I was afraid to try keto. However, your doctor is right that many take on this eating plan as a right of passage. Just make sure that your diet is satisfying and enjoyable, but well rounded. Butter, bacon, cheese are all to be enjoyed, but moderated. If you go into the plan with lean meats, seafoods/fish, dark green vegetables and berries, you aren't going to be able to help but improve your diet and your blood work will improve as a result. There is a lot to be understood here that is difficult without taking up too much space, but a good start would be to buy the cookbook Simply Keto. It is packed with delicious well rounded recipes and has a diet plan to follow at the back of it. It sells on Amazon and is by author Suzanne Ryan who shares her weight loss journey as well. My mom calls this my "keto bible", haha! It was the best recommendation I can give to get you started. ;)

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