I’m new to this app and need help

HI I’m Kirk, and was wondering if there’s a way to  sort the foods in the “foods” drop down tab under search by same category? And WHY is there SOOO many different options for the same food type? Like there is at least 10 different eggs, 15 different asparagus, etc!! Can anyone explain please.  thanks In advance

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  • Hi Anthony.  I find that frustrating as well.  The problem is there are too many "contributors" to the list and CarbManager doesn't seem to have a protocol for vetting community uploaded values.  I have to edit most of the items to match the nutritional values on the label or use other tools to look up more reliable values.  It is a pain, at first, but by saving everything I use to "My Foods," correcting the data, and adding the serving weight, it becomes easier to manage and adjust for different amounts, e.g. change from ounces to grams, etc. (the reason serving weight is key).

    • LJ
    • cyan_jewel.2
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Bertimus Maximus 

    Hi Bertimus, can you tell me how to add the foods I eat to “my foods”?

  • Hello LJ, happy to help.

    These are the steps for the iPhone app and Website.  I don't have an Android device.

    1. Conduct a search for food.

    2. Select the item you want to add and review it for accuracy.

    3. If it seems right or is close enough (easy to edit once you copy it to "My Foods") then click on the dots stacked horizontally in the upper right-hand corner.  You will see a selection named "Copy to My Foods."  Select that.

    4. When you navigate to "My Foods" the item(s) you have copied will be under the sections "Custom" and "All."

    5.  Now you can edit the item and change it to a more meaningful name and correct the macros based on a label or trusted source.  For example, all of my cheeses begin with "Cheese - " then the name of the cheese, e.g. "Cheese - Brie, by Trader Joes" to make it easier to organize food themes.

    I hope this helps.  Best of luck!

    • LJ
    • cyan_jewel.2
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    LJ Bertimus Maximus 

    thank you, I got it figured out. 

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