
Hi everyone. I’ve been following keto for 2 weeks and have been getting on fine, losing weight, fully tracking everything , measuring carbs etc with use of the app.  I’ve stuck to it religiously! 

I’ve been in ketosis for a week and  I’ve checked again today and I’m not at the moment.  Can this happen? I feel I am doing something wrong ? 

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  • It's very easy to get knocked out of ketosis, but the upside is that it's just as easy to flip back into it. Getting knocked out can be caused by the usual culprits like carb creep, or hidden sugar in something you ate, but it can also be caused by taking medications. I cannot take NSAIDs (Advil, Motrin, etc) while on Keto because it knocks me right out. That's something most people wouldn't think of but it happens all the time. I have to take Tylenol while on keto, which doesn't work as well but it's all I have lol. 

    Other medications can knock you out too, hormone replacements, some statins, anticonvulsants (Gabapentin is a huge one because it is an anticonvulsant drug but it's given for everything from pain to restless leg syndrome), psych drugs and antidepressants etc.

    Sometimes it's high total carb foods with lots of sugar alcohols that can still bump you out. Things like Slim Fast Keto Fat Bombs, or Sugarfree candies or even if you are making a lot of Keto baked goods or keto breads. I have found they are fine in moderation or for a treat, but not something I can get away with every single week. Even sugar substitutes can bump you out. There was a study that just tasting something sweet (not swallowing!) can spike insulin. Which in turn, shuts off ketone production. 

    Sometimes there is no reason at all. The best thing to do is to buckle down for at least three days, cut out all sugar alcohols and artificial sweeteners, and eat mainly fatty meat, veggies and added fats like butter and coconut oil. Give yourself a jumpstart and you'll be back in in no time! Hope that helps! :)

    • Taycarls
    • Taycarls
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Hi! so I have had similar experiences, and I am currently on my 3rd week. I test my ketones with a urine test. There have been some mornings where the color is indicated as  "small" if not negative but then goes right back to "moderate" as the day goes on. I haven't been completely perfect with the tracking but for the most part pretty on point and this happened during the times I was on point. How are you testing your ketones?

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