Weighing vs Measuring

So for certain things (like meat) I've been carrying plates to another room to get a weight for entering them into the app, everything else I use measuring cups and spoons, or counting.

Tired trekking out to use my work scale, I  bought a small $10 kitchen scale.  

Last week I had a meal out, brought home leftovers. One of the items was brussel sprouts--I had counted how many I had when out and put them in the app-- my carbs were high... a disappointment since I tried to stay close to the diet. 

I thought they were on the small side so as leftovers I decided to count out as many as the night before and weigh them. The carbs went from about 7 to 2!

I also added a new snack food last week--pumpkin seeds. The bag said a 30 gram serving was about 1/3 cup, so by default I got out my 1/3 cup measure. Then I thought about my new toy and decided to weigh them. So glad I  did as the cup was holding about 10 grams more than a serving. I'm going to try that one again and see exactly what the difference was, didn't have time that day.

Guess this is why the rest of the world uses weights for recipes instead of measuring...

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  • Weighing in grams is certainly the most accurate!  Love my kitchen scale!

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