Weight stall


I am a bit worried about a prolonged weight stall. I am doing the diet with my partner. We started in february. In th first couple of weeks we both lost about 5 kgs (10 pounds) and have been yoyoing kilo up and kilo down since then. We are doing a very clean keto diet and walking almost every day. Some intermittent fasting, usually skipping breakfast. He complains that he feels hungry all the time, but I dont. However, I do feel some heart burn occasionally when eating fat from meat sources. I know that in theory there are no health consequences from the keto diet but i feel increasingly worried about cholesterol and such, eating so much fat and not losing weight. I am using a food calculator with macros, trying not to go over 20 carbs a day (1300 calories for me, 1800 for him). 

Typical breakfast (not every day)

2 eggs (fried or scrambled)

1 sausage or avocado or bacon

1-2 slices cheese

fried peppers or mushrooms or both


Typical lunch/dinner

Some protein source (chicken breast on the pan, oven baked chicken leg skin on, fried salmon, beef), occasionally with cream and full fat cheese sauce

Some veggies (cauliflower mash or broccoli with sauce or mushrooms or small salad)

Or big  salad (tuna, cheese, avocado)


Snacks (not more than once each day, not every day)

Handful of brazil nuts/macadamia/walnut


Creme fraiche (1tablespoon) + full fat cottage chese (2 tablespoons) + 4 frozen berrries + chopped nuts


1square 85% chocolate


olives and cured cheese and meats


I am cooking everything with butter/more oil than usual.


EDIT- He started on 250 lbs (118 kgs), aiming for 200 lbs(90kg), to be able to start doing normal exercise again. I started on 190 (87 kgs) aiming for 150 (68 kg).


We did the dukan 5+ years ago, I lost roughly the same as I intend now and kept it for some years, he lost 60+ but couldnt keep it. We have no health issues (no cholesterol or high glucose or high blood pressure).

We usually take coffe/tea plain, but sometimes add a little full fat cream or non sugared almond milk.

Did some “fat bomb treats” (with edulcorant, full fat cream cheese, almond flour, butter etc) at the beginning (keto cheese cake, keto tiramisu, keto cookies) but nothing in the last 2 weeks (worried about th edulcorant, the only type I could find where i live now)

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    I wouldn't concentrate too much on the scale. Neither of you have much weight to lose and it's not going to melt off you as quickly as those of us with substantially more weight to lose. Your weight will naturally fluctuate up and down but as long as the overall trend is down, your in good shape.  You might want to try some intermittent fasting to try and power through the plateaus.  At this point, just pay attention to what your bodies are telling you.  Keep your carbs low and unless you're working out to build muscle, it's a good idea to keep your proteins a bit lower than the app will tell you(Your body will convert un-utilized protein into glucose).  Just eat to not be hungry and don't eat just to hit your target macros.  Some days I struggle to eat 1200 calories, others I'm a bit over but it all equals out in the end.  Most days, I'm way under in all of my macros, it just depends on how I'm feeling that particular day.  And be sure to drink plenty of water, otherwise your body will retain water, which will add weight and act as an inflammatory.

    Overall, sounds like you guys are doing GREAT!! Keep it up and always remember, it's a marathon, not a sprint.  Good luck guys!!

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  • Some people have success with taking a break from diary. I quit Splenda and now stevia because I am sensitive to them.   Erythritol is what I am trying now. Our bodies put up a fight when we make big changes and it takes a swift kick sometimes to get it back in shape 😍

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