I could use some advice

I’m at an impasse here... I have never been a big meat eater, but knowing it’s a necessity on keto I prepared myself. So I read all the books, and the blogs and watched as many keto videos as I possibly could. Went on amazon and spent a ton of money on all the things I needed to meal prep, some “tune your keto” supplements, to keep my nutrients where they should be, spent a fortune on all the foods recommended and stocked my fridge, freezer and pantry in preparation. (I also stocked up on good high alkaline water, to help with the keto flu) Then I choose my start date. Within 3 days I was in ketosis (I checked my ketones daily) my ketones were actually very high on the third day. I was loosing about 2 lbs a day (one day I lost 3lbs) after almost a week I was very nauseous, jittery and couldn’t stomach anything at all so I went 2 full days without eating, just drinking water as much as I could without getting sick. I just don’t know what to do, I tried but none of the keto foods are palatable at this point. I’m not sure what to do here. I want to do this, but I’m not sure if eating this food is sustainable for me. I just don’t care for meat and high fat food. Is there a way around this or some trick to help me. Please, HELP..??

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    • cvh
    • cvh
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Were you hitting all your other macros or were you cutting back on the calories also?  It sounds like a lot to lose for the first week.  You're talking 14 to 15 lbs.  at 2 lbs/day and 3 one day.  You may just need to eat more food.  Remember you need to get all your protein.  Also, watch your electrolytes.  You need a LOT more salt, magnesium and potasium.  My guess is you are missing your salt.  Lots of people swear by drinking pickle juice to help with the sodium.  By just drinking water, you are further depleting your electrolytes.  You were in essence just peeing your electrolytes out.  

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