Carb Manager video tutorials available

Video tutorials are available on YouTube!

In How to Set Goals with the Macros Calculator in Carb Manager, you’ll quickly learn how to set, or edit, your macro and energy goals in Carb Manager using the Macros Calculator.

In How to Find Foods in Carb Manager, you’ll learn how to master food search, use Favorites and My Foods, and use filters to search for the foods you want in Carb Manager.

In How to Track Your Progress in Carb Manager, you’ll learn how to add measurements in Carb Manager and track your progress over time.

In How to Log Foods in Carb Manager, we'll teach you how to log foods in Carb Manager, and indicate that you’re done logging for the day. See how easy it is to select which meal (or snack) you’re logging, how your chosen foods match up with your unique macro goals and more.

In How to Create Custom Recipes in Carb Manager, you’ll learn how to create a custom recipe in Carb Manager. Learn how to enter ingredients, measurements, serving sizes, and more. When you create a custom recipe you can publish it to the Carb Manager database for other users to find, keep it private, organize your recipes in folders, and more.

In How to Create and Log Custom Meals in Carb Manager, you’ll learn how to create custom meals in Carb Manager. This is helpful if you regularly eat meals that include the same foods. Save time, but grouping these foods into a “custom meal” in two different ways.

In How to Choose a Curated Meal Plan in Carb Manager, we show you how to choose from our variety of curated, done for you meal plans. Options include dozens of Keto diet plans, plus plans to suit low carb eating, carb cycling, different types of intermittent fasting-friendly meal plans, plant-based, and many more. Learn how to schedule your meal plan, and create an easy shopping list to set yourself up for success!

In How to Log Exercise in Carb Manager, you’ll learn how to log all kinds of exercise in the Carb Manager app, including steps, strength training, and cardio routines. Learn how to manually enter daily steps, browse the exercise database, view exercise history, calculate energy burned, and more.

As always, the Carb Manager knowledge base,, provides the most comprehensive and detailed resources for all of these features.

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