What am I doing wrong?

So, I am getting within 100 or so calories per day but when the app subtracts my steps or exercise then it puts me really low some days. I’m in week 7 and am not losing much  I’m at a total of 12 lb. weight loss. I lost 11 of that in the first few weeks and not losing anymore I lose and gain within a couple lbs.??

I’ve recalculated my macros for the keto diet and stay within a few grams of each. Frustrating that  nothing seems to help! I’m following the diet/macros pretty close. I am 47 and have hypothyroidism and don’t have a gallbladder. Would this be the problem? Thanks for any suggestions! 😊 

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    • Badmojomn
    • badmojomn
    • 6 yrs ago
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    405polly If your weighing in daily, or almost daily, that’s part of the issue as we tend to fluctuate in water retention. Pure fat loss will not reflect on the scale easily, so it’s best to put that away for awhile. You will see results in how your pants fit, women and men will take it off differently and it depends on a multitude of factors, like how much fat you want to take off. Week 7? And took off possibly a few pants sizes? Consider this a small victory for yourself. Some do not see larger losses until months in, and remember this is a marathon, not a race. I don’t mean to sound brash, but that scale can be evil and not help us succeed in our journey. May I suggest keep doing what your doing, don’t stress, burry the scale under your sink or out of site, make a set date to weigh in- say in about 30 days. B this time, if following your macros, keeping slightly active at minimum, you will have shed more pounds but it may be that you will see it in how your pants fit. In my experience, 10 pounds or less could be 1/2 pants sizes. I can now notch my belt 2 full holes over. Many many people are seeing results more in their pants they wear before the scale really shows us the excitement. Keep a smaller, tighter pair of pants someday you want to wear successfully in your dresser, and keep this as a goal plan. I try mine on every two/ three weeks. Trust me on this. If your a woman who wears cute jeans, this really is the motivator, I can’t speak for all women but I accidentally bought some name brand jeans online that were to small and I didn’t want to return them, because I am determined to wear them. 

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  • Badmojomn I totally agree with what you wrote. It's easy  to obsess over the scale. Different people lose weight in different ways. I don't lose for 4 weeks then all of a sudden I lose four pounds. My doctor said I'm weird but it's ok because it's working. Also hormones, mild illness and many other things can make the scale look like there is no progress but behind the scenes there's a lot of stuff going on. I also buy pants the next size down and every week or so try them on again. I love seeing my clothes get loose even when my scale says nothing is happening. Remember this is a long term lifestyle change and not a Sprint. That's how the weight will stay off.

    • linrenep
    • linrenep
    • 6 yrs ago
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    I also don't have a gallbladder and take thyroid medication as well as a few other issues and have been keto for 7 months and have lost over 65 lbs. So, although health issues can make managing diet more complex it shouldn't stop you. Also did you know stress can cause you to retain lbs. So don't stress on the number on the scale. Try to be more aware of how you feel. Clearer headed, more energetic, not hungry all the time, clothing aren't as tight fitting? These are more important than a number on a scale. Your body is going through so many changes. Your fat molecules are redistributing, you are building muscle easier and it weighs more than fat. Just take a break from the scale and enjoy this way of eating. It will come off ( there is no documentation that I can find that says it doesn't work for everyone, no matter health issues...there are some that shouldn't , like childhood diabetics, but that's not the same thing as it doesn't work.)

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