New to Keto

Hey everyone! Today is my first day of Keto (so far so good) and I'm hoping this will help me get my health back on track. 

I'm 27 years old and I have endometriosis, high blood pressure,  and I'm pre-diabetic. (Big family history or heart disease, cancer, diabetes,  you name... not the best genetics unfortunately lol) I've gotten my high cholesterol under control with general healthy eating but no matter what I've tried (exercise or diet wise) in the past I can't seem to loose weight or keep it off. 

At my highest weight I was 256lbs (5'5") and when I saw that number on the scale the first time I almost fainted and I've been in a battle to loose weight ever since then (3 years) I've managed to get down to 230-240 lbs (fluctuating due to severe bloating from my endometriosis) but I have been struggling to get below that. So my doctor suggested I try Keto for no longer than 3 months to help me get my weight down since my weight is what is causing my endometriosis symptoms to be worse than they have ever been. (All the excess stored fat in my body also hangs on to estrogen and having high levels of estrogen in you body makes endometriosis worse...) 

My over all end goal is to weigh about 135-145 (my doctors told me this is the weight range I need to be in) but I really just wanna feel better about myself... I wanna feel healthy and fit and confident. 

Any tips would be greatly appreciated. 

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  • Hey, I know all about genetics lol. I have high cholesterol but from the research I’ve read that isn’t as big a deal as they wanted us to believe. I personally find keto pretty sustainable and I’m not hungry very much.  I also have an autoimmune thyroid disease and I’ve still been able to lose some weight. I can only tell you what’s worked for me and that’s been tracking my food and once I got into that habit, then I started intermittent fasting. But, I just picked one goal a week (like tracking my food) because doing everything all at once would just defeat me from the beginning.  You can do this! 

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