Always hungry !

Hi I’m new to keto and so hungry all the time ! It is not cravings it’s hunger that I feel in my stomach. Will this pass ? 

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    • Johna629
    • Johna629
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    From what I've read and viewed on keto YouTube entries,  feelings of hunger should pass when you're fat adapted.  How long that takes depends on several factors.  I found Dr.  Sten Ekberg's videos on YT very helpful for info.  You also probably want to make sure you're hitting your protein macro daily (and perhaps spread protein intake throughout your day to keep satiety with your meals regular). Don't forget to drink your water,  and make sure to get in your minerals (pink Himalayan sea salt).  I've read where thirst and electrolyte deficit  might actually read as hunger. 

  • Everyone is a bit different but I found I was hungry at the beginning. I don't remember exactly how long but it did pass. Just make stick with it and make sure you are on to of your macros. If you don't go into ketosis you will be in carb mode. When that happens your body is unable to use your fat and will make you hungry. I was not very discipline at the start and probably made it worst. Even then you need to give time for your body to get fat adapted which basically means get more efficient at using fat. Are you doing anything to measure your ketone levels? How long exactly have you been doing keto?

  • michelluccote Thanks so much for your reply. I’ve been doing it for one week now and sticking with Marcos religiously ( despite the hunger) but not measuring my ketone levels. Mentally I feel really good and I have a chronic health issue that is already getting better so I feel super committed. I’m totally open to measuring my Ketones. What method do you suggest ? 

  • StephanieFarco Only one week so far. Keep at it and I think you will be pleased. Stay encouraged knowing the it will get better. I tried strips and had very mixed results. Trying to match the color just didn't work the well. I gave up and procrastinated until I finally bought a Keto Mojo device. I wish I had done it earlier. It really doesn't hurt and the result are quick and it gives you a number instead of colors. I can now track my ketosis better but what is more important to me is finding which ingredient seem to trigger my glucose and affect my ketones. If I have any doubt I can fast for 12 hours, do a measurement, eat that item only, wait another 30min or 1hour and test myself again. For that quick a test the glucose strip is a better indicator that insulin was triggered so I always do both tests. I sometimes do another ketone test later to see if that was also affected. It provides valuable insight. For example I was at 1.4 ketones and went for a good hike of about 3 hours. Right after I was at 3.0. That was a wake up to the benefits of exercise when on veto. 

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