Anyone as old as me?

I am 72 and wondered if there were any other older people on here and whether age makes any difference when doing low carb; I cannot see why it should. I am relatively fit and try to do 10,000 steps a day. I just need to lose a few more kilos so hopefully this app will help to keep me on track.

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  • I am 69 (70 in a few weeks) so you are not alone! I lost 60 pounds on low carb 16 years ago but have gained 20 back. Knee surgery in June so tackling the 20 pounds that crept back on, I started 5 days ago and it is certainly easier in the past few days.

  • Just turned 61, too many years of not focusing on myself, and have over 100 lbs to lose.  I’ve done it before (WW mainly) this needs to be the last time. 

    First week down 10.2 lbs.  I work retail and average 10k steps a day. 

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  • 5 yrs agoLast active
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