Daily Plan Builder

Caveats: Since I am new to CM, perhaps this feature exists but I have not found it. I'm also not sure how many other feel this is worthwhile.

History: Every evening I build my meal plan for the following day. This involves a lot of trial and error to accommodate my goals, food on hand, and appetite.

Proposal: I would like to see a feature where there is a page, somewhat similar to the CM Daily Meal Log, but instead of have fixed foods, each meal, snack, supplement, etc, would allow me include all of desired options for each and use a check box for each item that include the check foods in the daily macro calculation. Then once you have the days meal fine tuned, copy those to the desired day.

Example: Here's a quick example of how this would work using just one meal.

In the Breakfast section, all of the foods that I normally eat or have to choose from would be listed. Each food/recipe item would have a check box in the border. Now, I could start checking and unchecking individual foods to fine tune my macros.

Of course, the same concept would apply to other meals, snacks, and supplements, and make it very easy to adjust across meals to find the foods that meat your goals.

Just a thought. Please chime in if you love it, hate it, or think there's a better way.


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  • 5 yrs agoLast active
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