Protein intake

How do you keep your prtoein intake under control ? I am new to these and don’t want to just be consuming random things.

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  • Track everything. Use a calculator like My Fitness Pal to keep it all under control. You get to eat more protein than it seems, just plan your meals based around your fat first. 


    I like this post because it breaks down protein content of popular foods, and gives you average serving sizes:


    It also helps to have an idea of what you will be making for each meal. If you don't do a little planning, you'll end up with a smoothie, or bone broth, or extra avocados. You can find and adjust meal plans to your liking, which will make your planning easier. 

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    • Badmojomn
    • badmojomn
    • 6 yrs ago
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    rlynnsteele782c Can you detail your question a bit more? I’m not understanding Your situation and your question. Please give examples if you can. Also, have you done some self research on ketogenic diet, to understand the philosophy of it? It’s sometimes difficult for followers if they jump into it, not knowing, and helping them stay in ketogenic mind set. 

  • How do you plan it around fat ? I guess I don’t get that?

  • Badmojomn  with out going over ? I use the app and I either fall short or get to much

    • Badmojomn
    • badmojomn
    • 6 yrs ago
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    rlynnsteele782c If just starting out, it’s a mindset to keep from going over or under but remember the app is a general guideline. You may need more or less some days. Eventually you may find going under more so than over due to lack of hunger. I wouldn’t fret if just starting out. Many are ravished and need a bit more to get through adaptation process. Even for me now 11 months later I don’t eat much some days then others im needing more than what I should. Some ketogenic followers will take in more protein to satisfy a carb craving. I still have craving at times especially when I have non keto people in the house. I know it will just turn into glucose if I do this though but a better alternative than a crappy carb. The app states this is just a general guideline and the numbers set basically are just that. This is true you should not be hungry or deprive yourself if you feel you need more in a day. I don’t care what anyone says( sorry) but this sets up failure if you restrict the need for more protein. The loss of hunger comes in time after and the metabolism starts setting a pace. You have to listen to your body, think about the proteins your ingesting, making them fatty and Whole Foods. Micromanaging too much makes one obsessed and can cause other issues down the road. Don’t beat yourself up about going up and down for a bit. Just stay off the carbage and make sure your following that fine line of net carbs strictly. 

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