Excited for this new adventure

I have had so many ups and downs my life since high school and now I'm about to turn 39 with a very active 5 year old. I work a full-time stressful job where I sit at a computer all day. So 2016 later part I decided I wanted to do something for myself and sell LuLaRoe. Which yes it is fun but also a ton of sitting and such when you have online sales. I'm starting this because I feel it's a good start during the cold winter then when it gets nice out walls with the family Ect - just trying to be healthy again!!! I'm only 5'2 and for a long time I was around 150lbs which I was happy with but in the past year I have gained 25lbs. (Again all the sitting)


As of January 1st I weighed 229 my biggest ever I wasn't even that pregnant with my daughter. I have a hard time tiring my shoes going up hills and such.


I'm doing this for me and my daughter I do not want to be that mom on the sidelines!!


Since starting a week ago I am down 7lbs I'm super happy with that. 


I hope to learn from eachother and keep this journey going ans to find my happy place. ❤️

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  • Hi.  Nice to “meet” you. I’m only on day 4 but ok so far. 114 to loose and as I did low carb around 15 years ago I know it will work if I stick at it.  Would be great to chat on here and support each other along the journey xx

  • Hello everyone!!! I know the feeling too well of being at your heaviest. I wasn’t this heavy when I was pregnant. I am now 216 lbs. started on Monday. So far so good. Just wake up super hungry. 


    I ended up gaining a lot of my weight the past 2 yrs as I decided to start school again for my Bach. And now my Masters. So!!! I hope to meet great people and drop this annoying weight. 

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  • 6 yrs agoLast active
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