Am I truly ketogenic?

Hi all I’m new here. I’ve got a friend who lost a great amount of weight doing keto and thought I’d give it a shot. I’m not a fussy eater and have no issue eating the same food day in day out. Was very carb dependant in the past and had the classic post lunch tiredness. My current meal plan is 

breakfast: 4 whole eggs 3 bacon rashers

mid morning snack: 6 carvery cured chicken slices

lunch: 2 chicken breasts and broccoli 

pre workout: 2 scoops whey isolate 

dinner: 2 chicken breast / half a pack of 20% fat mince beef and mixed vegetables.

note I tend to have 2-3 coffees a day with 1 calorie sweetener tea spoons usually 2 per cup.

feedback would be appreciated. Is there any area of my diet which you think may need re thinking? Thanks all

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    • Danimi
    • Danimi
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Your breakfast meal is great but then it falls off track, you aren't eating enough fat.  Chicken breast does not have the appropriate macros  to fit into the ketogenic lifestyle.  If you prefer chicken over beef switch to thighs and add butter when you cook it.  Be careful with the sweetener, most will spike your blood sugar, the only sweeteners which have proven to not affect blood sugar are Stevia and Monkfruit so try switching to those if you haven't already.  And watch your mixed vegetables; you weren't specific but most bags of mixed frozen veg will contain carrots and water chestnuts which are very high in carbs.  If it grows in the earth you should eliminate it from the diet.

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  • Danimi hi Damimi thanks for the response:). Yeah the mixed vegetables are brocolli, cauliflower and runner beans? The sweetener I use is stevia luckily enough! Ok that’s ideal il google some good fat foods and start to incorporate them into the diet more frequently 

    • Danimi
    • Danimi
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Liam Tomkins Did a quick Google search on runner beans for you and found this: 

    Although they all grow above ground, legumes like peas, beans and lentils are all fairly high in carbs, as are grains like corn and quinoa. So they aren't good keto options. If you are keeping below the recommended 20 grams of carbs a day on keto, avoid eating them.

  • Danimi hi again danimi took your advice on board and stocked up on some things today. What do you think...

    breakfast - same egg combo as previously mentioned

    snack - full fat Greek yoghurt with cashew, almonds and pistachio nuts mixed in

    lunch - chicken salad (lettuce and cucumber), Parmesan cheese with ranch dressing and olive oil drizzled. 

    dinner - 20% fat beef mince as said before. Also picked up some vegetable bags that are exclusively brocolli and cauliflower. Will cook mince in butter 

    How do you go about counting the calories of your food? Are you big into religiously counting or are you more relaxed? Saw a video online and they said go on the basis of stop eating when you’re full.

    the diet I showed you before was actually filling me up so I’m wondering if this increase in fat will cause weight gain or if it will counter itself by activating the ketosis process. 

    Thanks again for all your help appreciate you taking the time to help out a rookie :) 

    • Danimi
    • Danimi
    • 3 yrs ago
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    You won't get into Ketosis without the fats, you won't lose weight without getting into ketosis. The app counts my calories so I do pay attention to it but I don't obsess over it.  I eat when I'm hungry.  There are some days I'm ravenous and eat way more calories than I think I should, but it doesn't stall my progress.  Your body will tell you what you need.  We have been programmed our whole lives about how we think we should eat, it's difficult to accept the KETO lifestyle will work and not second guess it.

    There is so much information out there on the internet on Keto, if you haven't discovered him yet, check out Dr. Ken Berry on Youtube. He is great and his videos are short and breakdown every question you could ever think to ask.  Dr. Fung is another good one.

    Your food plan looks better with the exception of your nut choices. Cashews and Pistachios are literally the worst ones. One serving of those nuts paired with one serving of greek yogurt could nearly blow your 20 grams of carbs. Here is an article on the best KEto food choices, item #10 talks about nuts and how many carbs are in a serving of the most popular.

    • VickieB
    • VickieB
    • 3 yrs ago
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    A great way to get more good fat and a boost of energy  is to have a Bulletproof Coffee. The recipe is on this site.. i think it says to whip it. I don’t, just add 1Tablespoon of butter, 1Tablespoon of coconut oil, 2teaspoon of  heavy cream and a 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract and stir it up..  Additionally, I add some MCT oil (look it up).. The Bulletproof Coffee alone is 29g fat without the MCT oil which will add a bit more depending on how much you use.

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