Down 10 Pounds; Macros Already Changed

HI, Everyone

So happy to find these extensive message boards. I've been using the mobile app and definitely don't see any of these messages there!

Tomorrow is Weigh In Wednesday for me (although tbh I've been weighing myself way too much out of sheer curiosity) and I'm expecting to be at 10 pounds down over the course of two weeks. I'm very happy about it, but it pretty much brings me back to where I started before Covid lock down. Also, I'm guessing that's primarily water weight so now the real work begins.

I'm hoping to lose an additional 20 pounds. I need to lose more like another 40 pounds but trying to get to reasonable, achievable goals. If I were to lose another 20 pounds I'd be pleased. 

When I updated my weight in the app my macros changed. Sigh. I was easily meeting or going below my previous macros and now I feel like WOAH! That's going to be a challenge. 

At any rate, Hello everyone. Nice to e-meet you. Good luck to us all!



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    I weigh daily - just don't get sad when you are up a lb or whatever - because it's mostly always going to be a water flux! 

    You should change macros every 10-15 lbs and I love that the app does it for you with the smart feature :)  It won't be too bad though because you will not always be losing 10+lbs a month.  The first month or 2 you end up having the WHOOSH and then regulate out then will lose a little slower so you will have time to acclimate to new macros :)

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