Pepper here

Hi y’all! (Sorry for the length)

I’m brand new to the Keto Diet, heck, I’m new to diets in general! Never wanted to go on a structured one because I feel it would take over my life.

I lost 52 pounds last year without even trying (sick) and then gained it all back again pluse 10 so here I am! 

I have a few of my own hacks and the one I’m using first is fasting for 48 hours because I crave candy and am used to snacking while watching tv, so I’m attempting to clear out my system, mind, and squelch all my cravings. This is actually day 3 and I have absolutely no cravings so I’m ready!

I think taking supplements while doing Keto is very important because, 

A. I feel this will be detrimental to your muscles so you need lots of protein (I’ll be using protein powder shakes) and, 

B. MCT Oil (especially if you fast first) to give you the fats so it’ll leave my muscles alone!

There are combination one pill supplements that can do all this and more at once. (I’ve ordered them already).

So I think I need them because from what my nutritionist told me, the Keto diet is fast and pretty great but like all other diets, it will slow your metabolism way down thus making your body gain it all back again if you don’t stay on this diet forever. This is why you lose weight fast at first and then it slows way down. She said certain supplements will keep your metabolism up and regulated and I can keep my new body forever!!

Please know that I’m not saying anything but that this is just what I’m doing. I’ve researched the Keto Diet and talked to my doctors for over a year now.

I do have questions about navigating my way around Carb Manager tho. I’m a bit lost. 

Anyone really good with this app?

My first issue; 

Does anyone know if this app has some kind of grocery list suggestions like on hand staples you should have? I’m getting overwhelmed with all the meal options.

Good luck to everyone, AND ME!!

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