Newbie and dirty keto!

Hello! My name is Jennifer and I've been down this road before! Back in the day probably about 5 years ago, I did low carb(keto was not very heard of) I lost about 80 pounds going from 265 to 185. I actually stopped cause I lost my butt..yep it got flat as a pancake. I should've started excercising, but I convinced myself to eat a little carbs here and there,.mostly recees cups.  Well it took 4 years and the weight came back. I started 2.5 weeks ago at 262.

I have a huge obstacle to overcome tho. You see, I am a general manager at a fast food restaurant. You know the one with the little red head girl that serves chili, baked potatos etc. I'm am faced with temptation every day at work. And recently on top of that I moved my elderly mother in my home who is on a high calorie diet. So I'm not safe anywhere!

But I've done this before. I know I can do it. I dont do the whole count my macro thing,*cringe*but I do eat mostly fats and moderate protein. My biggest crutch is splenda. I gotta have it in my coffee and also in cream cheese a couple times a week..I know I know..but from my past experience I know it doesnt stall me and whatever can make things bearable.  I learned last time it doesnt matter if I am the fastest loser, but losing is what counts, and if it's not flour sugar or starch I'm fine with that. This time is about making a lifestyle change.  Do I plan on going the rest of my life without sweets? No, but splenda better than sugar and I gotta do what I gotta do! Lol! 

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    OOh thats a big temptation and certainly makes it harder to stay on track but I have found once given up those things arent craved anymore.  I work in an office and we have bowls of candy everywhere, and pot luck galore... I am a junk food junkie so I hear birthday cake and my ears perk up! I love cake! I made the commitment to do this and what I found was week 1 sucked and of course it seemed every day was a birthday or national donut day or something but I stuck to it... then what I found was the longer i stayed away the less i even wanted it.  I started making keto recipes on the weekend like brownies, and cheesecakes and bagels and even donuts and I would bring them in and have those when others were eating the desserts in the office.  I would make a keto side for pot lucks and guess what? People were choosing those over the other sides

    Theres alot of protein options at fast food chains  just leave off the carbs and starches and where possible food prep.  I pack my lunch every day to avoid the temptations. Pinterest has so many easy recipes.  I pick a day I am off work and i make a few meals and desserts and pack them away for lunches and snacks.  You can do this like you said you have had success in the past.  I do recommend tracking at least in the beginning so you can get refreshed on how everything pans out at the end of the day and what produces positive results and what causes slowness and stalls.  I still track daily for my accountability but I have many friends who don't and are still seeing results.  Good luck!!!

  • Kat thanks! Ya I'm at a point almost 3 weeks in that I'm not craving anything and if I'm hungry I drink water or a cup of coffee first, it really helps! And I know this sounds gross but if I see something I really really want I imagine a dog pooping on it..LOL that REALLY helps

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