Why does Carb Manager ger...

Count carbs that aren't there?  I'm reading labels and some of the foods I'm eating show zero carbs on the package yet when I input into carb manager, it adds in a carb or 2. It's making it next to impossible to stay within my carb range.  I haven't had dinner yet but I only have 2 carbs left for the day.  

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  • Are you using the scan feature to enter the food? That has helped me, rather than typing it in and finding what I think is closest. Yes, there are hidden carbs in so many things. I also refer to a conversion chart from time and time and my husband and I bought a $14 kitchen scale to weigh food. We were "eyeballing" it before and entering too high of a number of ounces for chicken and steak, when the scale helped us figure what exactly 2, 4, 6 or 8 ounces REALLY looks like. 

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  • 4 yrs agoLast active
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