Starting My 40s Right!

Hi, all! 
I'm Kat, in Southern California, and my weight has been a roller coaster over the past 10 years. In 2009, my mom died, and that was the kick in the pants I needed to get motivated. I lost 60 pounds and was a healthy weight for the first time in my life. However, I didn't do it the right way. There was a lot of undereating and packaged diet foods, nothing sustainable. I also didn't work on the mental stuff: body dysmorphia and hatred, low self-worth and self-esteem, etc. Needless to say, the minute I reached my goal weight, I went back to eating the way I was before, and packed the pounds back on. 

At the end of 2019, I had gained back the 60 pounds plus an additional 80. I was the heaviest I'd ever been, was having trouble sleeping, had joint pain, was pre-diabetic, and was drinking so much daily that it was physically affecting me. I went to an outpatient alcohol treatment program and a binge eating disorder program, and now here I am, trying to repair my relationship with food and my body. 

In less heavy news, I'm a queer plant mama, house attendant to one cranky old loveable cat, glitter is my favorite color, I dabble in crafts, am obsessed with anything music-related (including dancing, though I'm the most awkward dancer ever), am starting to get sucked back into trashy reality dating shows, love to learn new things through reading, and am a little obsessed with making my apartment gorgeous. I'd love to make new friends here!

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    • Marosira
    • Marosira
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Hello! I am just starting keto as well. I'm only one week in but I have lost 8 pounds! Most of it is probably water weight tho. Regardless, that's not the only reason I'm sticking with it. It has drastically reduced my hunger and appetite! My Plantar Fasciitis pain has also drastically decreased which means I can now walk on the treadmill. Macros matter, and I didn't know that when I was doing Calories in calories out method and not watching my macros - and my carb levels were still high and not the right type of carbs, causing me to be hungry all the time even though I'm consuming the same amount of calories now to lose weight as I was back then! (gained 20 pounds between stopping CICO and starting up Keto). Stick with this! You're so strong for having gone through what you have and overcoming - you can overcome whatever you put your mind to! And it helps to have Keto helping along the way. =) 

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