Tips on Success for a beginner

Hello everyone.

    I’m New to Keto and have absolutely no idea what I’m doing. No one close to me does Keto or can give me information on this, but I’m logging my food daily. Previously, I had a vertical sleeve gastrectomy 7 years ago. Was very successful and went from 320lbs to 185. The last 4 years I let it go and fell back into old habits and depression, gaining 80 lbs. I took care of the inside of me though and decided it’s time for a change and I deserve to love the outside of me too. 

    I started with a 10 day cleanse of clear liquids; gradually moving from full liquids, to puréed foods, to soft foods etc. until I was back to low carb, high protein. It was easy for me to switch to keto. Now though, I’ve gained back 2-5 lbs of the 13 I lost during that ‘reset’. It’s been 12 days and I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I have a problem with the macros. I used to average 600-900 calories a day and it’s a struggle to eat the 1444 calories that this is telling me to. I stay under 20 net carbs, stick around 95-100 g of protein, and get the right amount of fats through keto olive oil, avocados, protein shakes, animal fats (Drained beef and fish) etc. 

*** Does anyone have any tips for beginners that they wished they knew when they started? I don’t have a mentor or any help from people around me. No one has done this where I live and I’m on my own. ***

   I’ve been speedwalking on work breaks for exercise. At first I felt alert, energized, focused, and great. I had kept waking up in the night though. Now, I sleep good but my body hurts and feels sore, stiff, and my muscles are sore. Do I need to take a break speed walking on my breaks at work? When I exercise my macros adjust and I fall way below the calories I’m supposed to have. Any help would be fantastic. I’m very discouraged, but hanging in there. I’m not giving up. 

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  • I’m new also (day2) and I’m totally with you on not knowing what to do or have a mentor.

    I was thinking maybe you should start stretching a bit? Like yoga or just general stretching. If I don’t stretch my body and muscles start to hurt. 

    That’s the only help I can input because I’m so new I’m clueless on the rest of it...

    You sound like you have a great attitude so I know you’ll do great!

    Low carb blessings to you!

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    • Lyssyp
    • Lyssyp
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Everyone has to start somewhere and taking the first step to being healthier and increasing the years to your life is awesome. 
    I was a personal trainer and worked at a gym for several years so I can give some tips on that part of your question. Weight lifting burns more calories for longer period than cardio. Now I’m not saying you have to join a gym, weight lifting can also be body weight. Example: push ups, tricep dips on a chair. Now don’t eliminate cardio all together just add in some weight and do the weights first then the cardio. 
    pelaton is a great app to have, it’s only around $20 a month and they have yoga, kick boxing, Pilates, you don’t have to buy their bike or other expensive equipment. 
    My advice on the diet part, plan ahead. Meal prepping on the same day every week is something that will only take about two hours, after you get into the groove, and makes it soooo much easier to pick good choices to fuel your body. I always try to prep on sundays and it’s for myself and my 14 yr old, at first it was tough and took awhile but after I got the right Tupperware and into the groove and habit of it it became a lot easier and self satisfying. 
    Pintrest is a great source for exercises as well as finding some great peeps to follow on Instagram. 
    I could keep going but I’ll stop here and I hope that this helps. I am rooting for you and this wonderful journey you have started. 

    • Kenni8816
    • Kenni8816
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Lyssyp Chickeemama thanks to both of you for well wishes. I’m learning really quickly about meal prep. I work 8-430p and by the time I get home feed my cats, walk the dog and then cook...let’s just say it’s 8 pm. I just ate and I was starving and not feeling that great. At work I do good packing a lunch and a healthy snack and usually have a shake for breakfast and lots of water. I started doing squats, sit-ups etc. I noticed my whole body stopped hurting and now just those muscles are sore like a regular workout. I think I’m expecting too much though. I lost about about 17 lbs down since sept 12, and the last 8 days of it I switched to keto. I’ve lost about 5lbs of the 17 over this time period. I haven’t moved in a couple days and it’s crazy how much my brain whirls when the scale doesn’t move. I decided not to weigh myself for a few days and maybe keep it to once a week. I should be Focusing more on muscle strengthening, eating at the right times and getting the right macros in. Do you think eating later closer to bed time messes with your success?

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