Mostly red-meat Keto diet

I am 27 5’9, 155lb. Not exactly looking to lose weight but do have more fat around my belly than normal for someone my weight, probably. Exercise and cardio semi regularly, but my diet’s always been pretty bad. Specifically it’s my sweets intake. Zero control around sweets.

I’m pretty picky and only eat few vegetables. When I cook, it’s 9 times out of 10 red meat; usually some type of steak or ground beef. I like onions, various peppers, corn. Kinda tomatoes. I’ll eat broccoli.

Anyways, if hitting ketosis only involves keeping carbs below 50g, would the following diet, on a daily basis, suffice?


1lb steak, half onion, half cup roasted green pepper, half cup roasted broccoli, cooked with ex. virgin olive oil


Same thing


2 scoop protein shake

Total daily nutrition:

~2200 calories

~230g protein

~114g fat

~32gb carbs


a few things about me also.

I’m very used to eating a diet like the one above. I can easily eat a steak and nothing else for a meal because I do it literally all the time. 

Every once in a while I will switch the steak up with chicken or ground turkey, or switch the onions with corn or something, but the nutrition remains similar, especially the carbs. 

Really the only difference between the above and what I do every day anyways is sweets. So if today I can control (Aka mostly eliminate) my sweets intake, my diet will look very similar to above.


I’m sure no dietician would recommend the above diet as it’s too heavy on red meats and not enough veggies, but I’m not asking on here if it’s a healthy diet. I’m asking if it’s a diet that will work for Keto :)

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    • richorn
    • richorn
    • 3 yrs ago
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    I am a total noob, but the huge amount of research I’ve done makes me think you need to stay below  20 grams of carbs to get into and stay in Ketosis. Higher is healthy, and you will still likely lose weight, but I think you are not as likely to burn off that belly fat. One way to confirm this is order some urine test strips to confirm you are / are not in Ketosis. 

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