Advice for a beginner

Hi.....My macros are 5%, 25%, 70% which is worked out to Carbs 20gm, Protein 94gm and Fat 117gm, 1548 calories.  I am 65 years old, started Keto about 4 weeks ago and have about 25kg to lose.   I  have had trouble most days with getting the macros and calories right.   I get disheartened when calories are too high or not enough protein etc .  I am doing ok with keeping under 20g of Carbs.   Is there an easy way to work out meal plans  with my macros and calories.  I am sure it will all get easier but right now I need some encouragement.  

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  • Your macro numbers are close to mine. I also had a hard time getting to my protein and fat numbers. Fat is not really a target and is more to avoid hunger and to keep you energy up. Once fat adapted if your energy is low I find a bit of fat gets me right up but being under is not an issue if you have energy and are not hungry. For protein it depends where your fat level is. If you have fat budget a red meat with visible fat is good and can give you big number gains but if you are getting high on fat then fish or chicken or shrimp can be used. I spent some time looking at different ingredients to see the ratio between fat and protein so that at then end of the day I pick the right protein source that fits in my  remaining budget. Some hard cheeses can have more protein then fat so you can add parmesan cheese on your salad to help for example. You can also go to the in depth section and look at your different days and see the fat and protein columns to see ingredients you have already used. Looking at mine I see some protein from spinach, mushrooms, smoked salmon but the big contributions are meats in the main meals.

    I think the other comment I would make is to plan your meals around your protein. I started hitting my target when I would put a bit of thought in planning my two main meals for the day by focusing on what protein food I would use to get close to my target. I then plan what side dishes to include to avoid the carb limit. I now find the fat to be the easier part since I can add oils/cream/cheese to the meal or as snacks and worst case use and avocado or a fat bomb desert recipe to top of any low energy moments. 

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  • michelluccote thankyou so much for taking the time to give me some great  advice.   

  • Do you have pinterest? You can search keto meal plans and there are a lot of ideas from peoples meals on keto with recipes and pictures. 

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