Please help - blood sugar issues

Hey everyone,


So my husband and I started Keto a week ago today. I have been diagnosed with hyperglycemia and then hypoglycemia in the past and have always dealt with blood sugar issues because of it. However, recently I have had blood work done and it all came up normal. I am not overweight, but I wanted to do Keto as a kick start into getting in shape for this summer and get rid of a little excess fat. I also want to preface this by saying I’ve always eaten relatively low carb because my blood sugar tends to do better on low carb diets. My typical diet for the last 10 years has been mostly meats and proteins, healthy fats like nuts and oils, fatty meats, vegetables, and carbs were only fruits and occasionally oats. I notice I need more carbs in the morning so I usually have fruit and a nut butter or fruit and a protein/fat and I feel great. I am fine with barely any carbs the rest of the day. (I know this is a lot of information, I’m trying to make this thorough so someone can help me.) My husband has been feeling fantastic on the diet and has already lost a lot of bloat. I, however, have been sticking to it very strongly but I’ve been extremely weak and fatigued. My blood sugar has been below 50 mg/dL some days and it was just 60 mg/dL today, and that was after eating a meal and letting it settle. I’ve been in bed all day unable to get up. Again, I’m used to eating healthy fats and the only change I’ve really made in my diet is no carbs in the morning. Why is my blood sugar so low and I’m feeling so badly? I’m worried I may not be able to really do this diet because I can’t afford to feel this bad all of the time. I have been so sleepy and feel like I’ve been hit by a truck. Is my blood sugar being that low normal, or do I need to go back to eating some carbs to keep it balanced? Do I just need to stick with it longer? Let me know anything you can. Thank you!

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    • Cscilley
    • cscilley
    • 5 yrs ago
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    Just go back to a few carbs in the morning.  Also eat a large breakfast with plenty of protein and fat.  Just add a serving of berries.    You may not be eating enough.  Also, you probably have the keto flue.  Add more salt to your diet.  If needed add salt to your water and drink it up.

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  • cscilley Thank you so much! Great advice! I will try to get more sodium in my diet for sure because I haven’t been having enough of that I'm sure. 

    • KC
    • seashell_station
    • 4 yrs ago
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    You might not be able to go 5% range (keto) for might have to do no more than 50grams of carbs (low carb) instead. Are you on any meds? What kind of glucose monitor are you using? Is it reliable?

    You sound like you have the keto flu, which as cscilley said...make sure to add works pretty fast, then you'll know.

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