Fat loss while maintaining weight? Is it possible?

Hi folks! There is a burning question that I can't seem to find anywhere despite my tendency to research online for hours 🙊. Can you lose fat while trying to MAINTAIN your weight?

I have a tendency to melt... I mean, I lose weight very quickly and look sickly. I am happy with my body weight, just want to lose 5lbs and get rid of the jiggle. I want a hard stomach rather than a jiggley one. Is it possible to do that? I've read that exercise alone can't do it cause while you may be strengthening those muscles, the fat on top hides it. So how can I transform that fat into muscle?

Should I continue to go with caloric needs and macros for weightloss? Should I go for maintaining but up protein and incorporate some sort of training? Or do I chose gain weight to gain muscle?

I'm so confused and hope you can help!

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  • Weight lifting (not extreme) will help you build muscle where you target.  This can drop overall "fat", but it is highly unlikely that you can target where you wish that fat to disappear from.  In addition, building muscle increases your weight by a little, because muscles weigh more. After 8 years of weight lifting and eating right, I lost no weight, but maintained a size 4 from a size 6.  Elasticity of our skin is also a factor, some have it great, others not so much, esp after aging or a number of children. I believe in good ole' stomach crunches and sit ups.

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    • mdhaegele
    • mdhaegele
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Thank you apinkrose4u2019 ! I will incorporate some forms of strength training to build the muscle. So I guess the challenge with trackers is the choices they give you: lose fat, maintain weight, build muscle... um... all?! It makes it difficult then to know if I should be decreasing my calories, keeping them at TDEE or increasing them for muscle growth. Such a confusing journey! 

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