So thirsty all the time! Help

Any suggestions for excessive thirst on keto? I've only noticed this issue since I've  started. I've recently added in electrolyte liquid, just wondering if anything else has worked for anyone else! Thanks

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    • Supermom
    • Supermom.2
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Hi.  Is it your first couple of weeks still?  You go through all kinds of changes during the first week for sure maybe a bit longer, just drink sufficient water is all I can say.  No rocket science for you, sorry.  Since carbs make you retain so much water (not salt fyi), once you stop consuming all the carbs, the water gushes out and you need to drink way more on a ketogenic diet than you did before.  Drink more water than you think you need, and stay close to bathrooms darlin.  It's like being 8 months pregnant again, you have to pee every half an hour LOL but that's how the weight comes off so welcome it don't complain :-)

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