Too much Protein & Tired after fatty meals

Anyone have strategies to make sure to get all your fats with out going too high on protein?  I do feel better if I have more proteins with meals. Could it be because my body is still running on glucose? I get extremely tired after high fat meals, like my eyelids start falling during the meal.  Has anyone experienc that? 

Thanks :)

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    • Fitat40
    • Fitt40
    • 6 yrs ago
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    I forgot to add, I'm pescatarian. 

  • If you're going true keto,  you'll experience some fatigue or "keto flu" for a week up to a month, it varies by person, as your body fully adjusts to fueling from fat rather than carbs.   The fatigue is really more brain that body related.   Your brain can only fuel from ketones or glucose and the adjustment to the former takes a little while.    If you're not eating a bunch of carbs with your meals, the higher fat will not make you tired (after fully keto-adapted).   To get fat in, I make myself a "fat smoothie" sometimes for breakfast which includes unsweetened coconut milk, a small (1/2 cup) of Premier Protein shake (whey based) for flavoring, 1/2 avocado, and a tbs of coconut oil or mct oil, and maybe some organic baby spinach if I'm feeling particularly virtuous.    If I'm not hungry (which I'm frequently not in keto), I might do Keto cocoa which is unsweet coconut milk, cocoa,  a tbs of coconut butter, MCT powder, and a tbs of unsalted pasture raised butter.    Both make a great breakfast and give me at least 30-40% of my fat for the day.   There's always the usual eggs, with extra butter (I also do an extra yolk with scrambled).   Some days I actually pour butter on the veggies or meat (or fish in your case) for dinner when I'm short on fat.    I focus on avocado, coconut oil, avocado oil, and mct oil or powder but some saturated from pasture raised butter is also a good addition.   Are you tracking your food to see if you're meeting percentages and are you using ketone sticks (if in the first few weeks) or a ketone blood monitor to see if you're in ketosis?  Some people are more carb sensitive than others.

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    • Fitat40
    • Fitt40
    • 6 yrs ago
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    Thank you so much for the reply. Yes, I've been using the keto sticks and tracking all the macros, actually haven't been hungry at all so trying to get it all in has been tough. I like your breakfast strategies, especially cause I would love to have more variety than eggs every morning. Perhaps it is just keto flu. I actually ended up with the real flu, but that's another story. I guess I'm finding my body does so much better if I just have less. Im hoping it will be ok to do that and still end up becoming fat adapted. I'm around the 2 week mark right now. There's  so much conflicting info out there. I have seen many mention getting in the fat macros at the beginning is important, so I'm going to try most days but it does make me super tired. I'm not used to eating so much oil, butter and cheese. I do also put mct oil in my tea with heavy cream. It's all so interesting. What a change from fruits and grains.  

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    • Fitat40
    • Fitt40
    • 6 yrs ago
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    Oh, and with the keto strips I've been consistently in the purples, probably around 60, always a shade between 40 and 80. 

  • My macro is 70% fat, 23% protein and 7% carb.  That is based on 1200 calories as calculated by the app based on height, weight, age, sex, activity level and my stated goal of 1 lb per week weight loss.  I manually set net carbs at 20, the protein at 70 based the protein need for my estimated lean body mass (there are ways to estimate that)- fat is the remainder.  Make sure you increase your salt substantially.  The kidneys do not hold sodium  as they do on a carb rich eating plan (google it).  Phinney and Volek (keto researchers and authors) talk about 5 grams daily while others recommend 2-5.  That’s way more that the “rda “.  I use Morton’s light salt to “throw back” a 1/8 tsp at a time with food as a supplement,which helps and was essentially during adaption phase.  I felt pretty much adapted at about a month but I still make sure to get plenty of rest and I’m increasing physical activity gradually.  I’m assuming my body is still adjusting to its new fuel system.

    • Perry
    • Perry
    • 6 yrs ago
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    A word about the Keto test Strips, these are great when starting out on a Ketogenic Diet they give encouragement that changes are happening.  But as your body becomes more fat adapted these strips will barely show any color due to the fact that your body becomes more efficient at using the Ketones and not pissing away any excess.  Don't be discouraged if the sticks don't seem to be working anymore, if you know your keeping your carbs at   ketogenic levels you are still good.  If you feel you need to see a measurement, a blood tester is the way to go but the keto test strips can be costly.

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    • Badmojomn
    • badmojomn
    • 6 yrs ago
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    Perry Right on! And I hardly turned my stick and then went straight to my blood meter for it to read about .6. I know this isn't optimal but it seems as I am in month 8 or so, I'm not able to achieve the 1.1 that rarely shows up on the blood meter. 

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