
What is doing Carbs but not Keto....what is the differences?

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  • Don't quote me exactly on this, but doing the carbs and not the keto would be that you simply lower your carbohydrate intake and not supplementing that with fat. Although indirectly I would assume that would lead to keto because your body has to burn something for energy and if it doesn't have carbs then the only alternative is fat burning. So feel free to add input but that's just what I would assume

  • Eating low carb is scaling back how many carbs you consume to around 5% of your total food that day. If you are diabetic they normally recommend consuming around 250g of carbs a day. 


    Keto is when you force your body to stop using the carbs you eat for fuel and use the fat stores in your body instead. Your body will produce ketones when this switch has occurred which you can test in your pee. (Fun...haha). Keto is around 50g or less per day in carbs and you normally reach ketosis after a few days. 

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  • 6 yrs agoLast active
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