Late night dinners?

Hi there! I have a meal/workout schedule question. 

I commute to and from New York  City for work about 2 hours door to door. At night, I get off the train around 7:30 or so. Because of my crazy commuting hours, I only have time for the gym at night after work. I get to the gym around 8pm and then home around 9:30pm. By this time, it's so late that I'm honestly quite nervous to eat a full meal since I pretty much get ready for the next work day, shower, and go to bed - there's no time to digest! I'm not sure if I score some brownie points with my metabolism for going to the gym where eating so late is ok - or if I should refrain from doing this. Does anyone else have a similar schedule? If so, how do you accommodate your dinner meal?

Just started the keto diet today and I'm pretty excited! This has been an ongoing question and dilemma for me regardless but I figured I'd take it to my keto community!


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  • I fast and normally only eat one meal a day. I generally eat a large dinner and its typically close to my bed time. I have never bought the whole, you shouldnt eat late bit, as long as you are staying low on your carbs. I have lost 62lbs btw

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  • rachelalexis237560  oh wow, congrats! Alright, note taken, thanks so much!

    • Alter Falter
    • Business Intelligence Professional
    • Alter_Falter
    • 5 yrs ago
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    What are your fitness goals? Are you looking to lose extra lbs or gain muscle? Do you lift weights? It depends on what you are trying to do.

    you are better off eating something in the evening; consume all your maximum daily carb allowance, right before you hit the gym. That way you can sweat it all out. Don't starve, man.

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  • 5 yrs agoLast active
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