“Low carb wraps”

Let’s share our experiences with “low carb wraps” with our weight loss success. I’m looking for experiences where a low carb or Keto follower found their low carb” wrap and was enamered by them, and put them in their diet almost daily or few times a week.  I have or had, about 10 more fat pounds to take off minimum and found something very special. Deep fried “ low carb wraps” I made deep fried at home. I found one 4” net carb and 6 net carb. Now, since having some a little almost daily, my weight has come up a few pounds. Something tells me the truth behind the advertising of “ low carb” and the net amount really isn’t true. Anyone have a story to tell where these sneaky “low carb wraps” are hindering their success ? I really don’t eat more than a couple a week, but since finding a “low carb chip” I can dip in my homemade Keto dips, they are so good, but I really think the labeling is deceiving. 

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    • goplay
    • goplay
    • 6 yrs ago
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    I was using them last fall to make fresh pizza on the grill when I was trying a half-baked approach to my diet and just bought a package over the weekend to try again so I'm interested to see what responses you get.

    I've got a better understanding now of how carbs add up and the need for more fat and protein and was hoping to use a half of one for a sandwich wrap once in a while (mine are high fiber with 6 net carbs) or to make a pizza-side dish  (instead of it being the main part of my meal).

    • Badmojomn
    • badmojomn
    • 6 yrs ago
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    goplay I’m really starting to think when your at your last pounds to take off, keeping “total” carbs in check is my issue. I’m going to try staying at 40 gram total carb and 20 net. They are sneaky to me anyhow. 

    • Badmojomn
    • badmojomn
    • 6 yrs ago
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    goplay and I’ll be avoiding the “low carb wraps” for about 1 month and see what happens. 

    • goplay
    • goplay
    • 6 yrs ago
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    I am usually under 50 total and 20 net carbs, but I'm hoping to raise that a bit once I've hit my goal weight (actually my goal weight  minus 5 lbs, expecting some water weight to come back when I increase my carbs a bit--not sure if that's how it'll work out).

    I  wonder if it is a "quality" of carbs issue, or maybe an intolerance to something in the wraps--here's hoping your month off the wraps brings you success!

    • linrenep
    • linrenep
    • 6 yrs ago
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    I have found lo carb tortillas, "keto desserts" and keto bread if eaten regularly all cause me to slow weight loss so now I try to limit them to 2 times a week ( I found the best choc chip cookie recipe with only 1-2 carbs per cookie depending on how big you make them).

    • Badmojomn
    • badmojomn
    • 6 yrs ago
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    linrenep can you share that recipe with me? Or message it to me? I made some pecan short breads. Decent. But I would rather have choc chip using my Lillie’s bars 

  • goplay I eat no crust pizza's pretty often.    I am someone who loves pizza and crave it often, and it satisfies my cravings.      It's just cheese and pepperoni.      1/2 cup of whole milk mozzarella(melts better and is stringier than skim, and fattier), and 30 slices of pepperoni.  

    I do a layer of 1/4 cup cheese, and that determines the size of the pizza, usually about 5-6 inches.     Then I add a layer of pepperoni(15 slices), then another layer of cheese, and top it off with more pepperoni.      Then just pop it in the microwave until the cheese is melted real good and the pepperoni's are hot, about 30 seconds. 

    Let it cool a little, and you can take your fork and the bottom layer of cheese will lift off.    It's way too greasy to pick up or anything, so I just take bites off with my fork.

    I got come Canadian bacon to try, but I was over on my protein last night so couldn't add it.   Mushrooms and Bell peppers and onions I want to try as well one day, but carbs add up with those.  

    If I have a lot of room, I'll turn it into a pizza bowl.   Fry up some ground beef, add some pasta sauce(Silver Palte I think it's called, good and low carb) and then top it with some pepperoni's and cheese etc.

    You can easily adjust the ingredients and amount of pepperoni's and such you get to hit your macro targets.

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    • goplay
    • goplay
    • 6 yrs ago
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    itzclay362b82 sounds tasty--will have to give it a try. I was using my garden tomatoes and basil with fresh mozzarella and olive oil on the BBQ grill for my treats. I should have been using a lot more oil and cheese with some meat to make them work better. I've also wanted to try the cauliflower crust pizza I saw a while back.

    • goplay
    • goplay
    • 6 yrs ago
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    linrenep  I'd like to see the recipe too. :)

    No matter what I eat, I still crave sweets. I've been eating things like 1/4 protein bar for dessert or homemade keto brownies to try and stay in check (made chocolate chip fat bombs for the first time last night...).

    I've been wondering if that's what has slowed my progress a bit or if it's just that I'm close enough to the right weight that the fat loss is slower.

    • linrenep
    • linrenep
    • 6 yrs ago
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    Badmojomn 6 Tb butter, 1 Tb cream cheese ( heat for 20-30 sec to soften), add 2 Th heavy cream, 1 egg, 1 tsp vanilla extract,stir together. In Seperate bowl. 1/3 c coconut flour, 1 tsp baking powder, 1 pkg Knox gelatin, 1/2 c Erythertol ( or sweetener of your choice. I usual do a mix of Stevia and Erythritol). Mix together then add to wet ing a little at a time making sure it's fully incorporated. Add 99 Lilly's dark choc chips ( about 1/3 c and I added a few (4) walnuts but that's optional. I made 16 cookies because I like them small so I can have 2.  Make them into however many balls and then flatten on baking sheet lined with parchment. They don't spread like most cookies so what they look like going in is what you will get. 350 degree for approx 12-15 min until edges turn Brown. Macros for 16 cookies are 1 net carb, 2g fiber, 7 g fat, 2 g protein, 81 cal per cookie

    • linrenep
    • linrenep
    • 6 yrs ago
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    itzclay362b82 I have a great pizza crust: 1 10 oz. can chicken ( drain well). Put into 350 degree oven spread on baking sheet for about 10 min to dry out. Mix with 1 ounce Parmesian cheese and 1 egg. I roll it out and shape it between 2 pieces of parchment paper. Oven at 500 for about 10 min. ( you can roll it as thick or thin as you like. I like really thin so it's almost like a cracker). Add toppings and back in oven til cheese has melted. I like it so well sometimes I just eat a slice as a side with no toppings. Macros are  zero carbs, 2g  fats,  8 protein, 52 cal. For 1/4 of the pie.

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    • linrenep
    • linrenep
    • 6 yrs ago
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    goplay maybe a little of both. Posted the receipes above. Have you tried Lilly's choc bars. There are a lot of different types. I like salted Carmel milk choc...you can get them on Amazon but the best price and options are luckyvitamins.com . they have the choc chips too but you can use bakers choc bar and chop it up...I find it a little too bitter for me however, that's why I like Lilly's.

    • linrenep
    • linrenep
    • 6 yrs ago
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    Oh and fyi if batter is too sticky to handle just place in refrigerator for. Half an hour or so.

    • Badmojomn
    • badmojomn
    • 6 yrs ago
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    linrenep omg thank you! I’m making this weekend for sure !

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    • linrenep
    • linrenep
    • 6 yrs ago
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    Badmojomn let me know how they turn out and what ya think of them.

    • Badmojomn
    • badmojomn
    • 6 yrs ago
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    linrenep I will, thanks again. 

    • linrenep
    • linrenep
    • 6 yrs ago
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    Badmojomn btw this receipes came from ketoconnect.org . ( with a bit of a change from me) they also have a receipe similar only with almond flour but according to their video...almond ones had better consistency but coconut had better flavor so I went for the flavor ones!

    • goplay
    • goplay
    • 6 yrs ago
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    Thanks for the recipes--I'll have to give them a try.

    Does coconut flour give a coconut flavor or just some sweetness? I am not a lover of coconut (unless it's in custard pie), but I bought some to give the recipe a try.

    I haven't tried Lily's bars but I have the unsweetened chips which I put in my fat bombs. I'm having a hard time not downing the whole batch, lol.

    I usually have one square of Ghirardelli 85% or Godiva 72% when I'm needing dessert and have the carbs to spare (2 and 3 respectively) but I'm open to other chocolate. :)

    • linrenep
    • linrenep
    • 6 yrs ago
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    goplay coconut flour has a slight hint of coconut. Very mild but if it bothers you I also have a receipes that uses almond flour. I think the coconut flour have more flavor but actually the almond flour ones have a better consistency. As for the chips, any sugar free will do. I like Lilly's because they use Stevia as sweetener.  Be sure to watch the types of sweeteners used in other brands...carbs aren't the only thing that matters. All sweeteners are not equal.

    • linrenep
    • linrenep
    • 6 yrs ago
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    goplay I also relate to eating the whole batch. Ill give you a hint Badmojomn gave me: freeze them ( the cookies too). It takes longer to eat them that way.

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    • goplay
    • goplay
    • 6 yrs ago
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    linrenep  I bought unsweetened chips--initially planned on making chocolates but saw that the carbs would be pretty similar to the Ghirardelli 85% and decided it wasn't worth the extra effort. I'm already preparing more food than I am really up to on a regular basis...

    Monk fruit extract (pure) is my sweetener of choice. I used to use a xylitol/monk fruit mix (years ago when I cut out sugar), but now I've got a dog and decided to skip the xylitol. 

    I'll give freezing it a try--will be an awesome ice cream substitute!

    I'll try the coconut flour first, if it's not my thing I'll try almond--I already hade some decadent super dark brownies with that, thanks.

    • Badmojomn
    • badmojomn
    • 6 yrs ago
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    I’m taking out low carb wraps for a few weeks. Guess what, dropped back down on the scale about 3 pounds. Be carful with them! Lol! I found a good treat if I didn’t mention that before was to cut them into tortilla chips and deep fry in peanut oil. Well, up close to 5 pounds later I’m taking them back out of my life and will only eat them what I need a little carb up or cheat day with friends, etc. nope! No more!

    • goplay
    • goplay
    • 6 yrs ago
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    Rot! And I just opened my package last night for a sandwich wrap, lol. My carb number has gone down in the app but I splurged on one anyway. Guess I'll keep an eye on it. 

    No chance you were just overdue for a woosh?

    • linrenep
    • linrenep
    • 6 yrs ago
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    goplay they freeze well. Then you can eat 1 just once in a while. I've been known to cut them in 1/2 and eat a half at a time.

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    • goplay
    • goplay
    • 6 yrs ago
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    linrenep I did happen to cut mine in half--great minds. :)

    Since the ones I bought are 6 carb and my macro is now at 15, even that seemed a bit of a splurge.

    I'll take your advice and freeze some.

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