Advice needed: Protein and Fat

Hello! I’m struggling with reaching my fat goals and somehow am always a little high on my protein.  I’ll find I’m a little shy on the fat and a little over on the protein most days. Fortunately, I seem to be able to manage my net carbs. 

I’m not exactly sure what to eat that will give me the fat boost without bumping my protein.

I usually eat a veggie cooked in butter and try to stick to 3 Oz of meat (usually chicken, pork chops or steak) for lunch and dinner. I have bullet proof coffee, eggs, bacon and a small amount of spinach cooked in avocado oil for breakfast. 

I feel like if I cut back my actual meat any more than I have then why even bother eating it. Help! 😭

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    • Pat F
    • Pat_F
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Hello there.  I’ve been on keto since October and have read a lot about what works, or doesn’t.   

    Think of fat as something that we eat, ‘as required’ rather than a goal we must eat.  Use fat to get the feeling of being full; no need to hit the macro every day, especially at the beginning when the idea is for our body to burn stored fat (that’s where the weight loss comes from).

    hitting our protein macro is an acquired skill - it just takes time to figure out what works.  A gram over here or there won’t end the world, so give yourself time to learn what works for you.  Your proteins are all good choices.  Chicken thighs have less protein (and higher fat) than breasts, as does hamburger compared to steaks.  I didn’t see fish; if you eat fish, salmon has a lot of good fat and moderate protein so you might consider that too.

     It sounds like you have the right attitude about it: pre-plan meals and keep after it.  You can do this. 

    Hope this helps.

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    • Soyo888
    • Soyo888
    • 4 yrs ago
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    I suggest avocado and peanut butter. Im substituting dinners for scoops of peanut butter and it taste goods! 

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  • Try a fat bomb!!!


    You can Pinterest a bunch of recipes my favorite is raspberry cheesecake 

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  • MCT oil is a great fat boost. I add 1 tbsp to my coffee in the morning. It has 14 grams of fat and no protein. Only other macro it contains is calories.

    Just be careful to start slowly because it can start with a laxative affect but that does go away.

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    • cvh
    • cvh
    • 3 yrs ago
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    You do not have to hit your fat target.  It is only there to help you feel full if you are full then don't eat.  Do try to hit the protein target though.  There is a saying, Carbs are a limit.  Protein is a target and Fat is a lever.  So stay under or at your carbs, try to eat all your protein, and only eat as much fat as you need to help you feel full, then stop.  You don't have to eat all  the fat.

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    • Hyun
    • Hyun
    • 3 yrs ago
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    cvh could you send some links that explain why hitting protein levels is important? I’m assuming for muscle building. But would love to learn more. Thanks!

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    • cvh
    • cvh
    • 3 yrs ago
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    link explaining why you need protein on keto.

    Like 2
  • cvh Thank you! That makes so much sense. I’ve been seeing everything as a goal I need to reach (well except for the carbs). This was super helpful!

  • CourtCarpenter I started incorporating it with my coffee maybe a month ago. I think my body was going through so many changes (along with allergies) that I barely noticed...Lol! If you have a suggestion for a particular brand please let me know. I’m wining it and using the one in the brown container that I got from Walmart. I can’t remember the brand off the top of my head. CourtCarpenter 

  • Donatojasmin Thank you! I’ve been scouring for fat bombs that aren’t also boosting my protein. I’ll definitely do a search for your suggestion as well. Donatojasmin 

  • Pat F Thank you so much!! It’s super helpful! I need to really work on readjusting my thinking on the macros. It’s easy and hard at the same time. 

  • Soyo888 I’ll def give that a try! Avocado sometimes upsets me the way dairy does (it’s so weird) but since I’ve let go of the bread, rice and pasta I can all of a sudden handle dairy. It’s amazing what I’m learning about my body. 

  • Hi, I have been doing Keto for about 10days. I really thought the whole focus was keeping carb intake 15mg to 30mg a day.  Thats easy enough to do. But now I’m reading you guys. It seems its a lot more complicated than I thought. Do I have to start trying to figure out how much protein and fat too. Seems like it would be a big hassle. 

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  • Michael Shadler From what I understand Keto is low carb, high fat and moderate protein (macronutrients). The app will do all of those calculations for you based on your goals and makes it super easy for me to keep track of all of that.  It is a bit mentally challenging to figure out how to eat enough or not over eat in certain areas but I think the feedback above from others  has been helpful in refraining the way I think about each target area.  

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  • Thanks for reply. I definitely look into an App

    • Lelam
    • Lelam
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Michael Shadler Michael Shadler   yes, it is a hassle. But this app helps. Seems overwhelming at first, but it really isn't. 

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