Hello and help! Started Keto, lost 10lb in 2 weeks but zero since (now on week 6!) Very few times out of macros.

Hi everyone! I'm Julie and this is my first time attempting a Keto lifestyle. I've dieted all my life with mediocre-at-best results:  mostly low fat, high protein or low carb high protein. None worked.  I tried Quick Weightloss (they're in Georgia; not sure if elsewhere?), on which I lost 45lbs, but have gained back 30 as to me, their program is unsustainable. I've lost 10 of that so far on keto--yay--but I'm still 20# up and my loss happened in the first 2 weeks.  I'm now entering week #6 and have lost ZERO since. Not even an ounce!  I still have 60lbs to lose. For the most part I'm in my macros (really paying attn to protein, which I never knew can cause gluconeogenesis until now) and really trying to keep calorie deficient, but I have cut back DRAMATICALLY in calories and carbs (esp. beer--I'm a huge craft beer lover and have had NONE in 5 weeks.  I drink Lite or Ultra, but also keep to minimum since they still have carbs). So you'd think me going from 2500+ calories day plus LOTS of beer and its additional carbs/calories, going to 1500 calories/day with no or minimal beer, that weight would be falling off me. I feel SO discouraged, because this diet is HARD and different and goes against all the nutrition advice we've all heard all our lives ("fat is bad"), so it's a huge shift in thinking, but I have not cheated AT ALL!  I'm hungry a lot too.  Even on beer days, I've not exceeded 50g carbs, and that was only a few times; mostly I'm right at 20g carbs. That I'm proud of, but why am I not losing weight???  I'm only 52 but unfortunately can't be very active due to severe knee arthritis/no cartilage/bone spurs/MCL tears which makes it difficult to walk, much less do anything else. Knee replacement coming soon :-(  I'm so very frustrated. Can anyone offer advice?  Thank you in advance! -Julie

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  • JLeonardATL  I hope you won't give up. Our bodies have tendencies to adopt to new lifestyle, so at the beginning you'll drop weight fast and then you have to become creative. Have a 'fat fasting' for 3 days: 80-90% calories from fat (a lot of videos and blogs); add intermittent fasting: eat all your food within 8 hours and no food for 16 hrs; change 'feeding window'.... Drink water. Good luck. 

    • Selkirk
    • Selkirk
    • 5 yrs ago
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    I would like to add that sometimes when we restrict calories our bodies "hold on" and don't let go of the weight. If you are hungry, eat. Listen to your body. 

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