
My name is Skye and I have been doing the keto lifestyle since last October. I have lost over 40 lbs so far and have an additional 25-30 to go! I enjoy the app and just started linking my Fitbit to the app. I have a question for some people though. I thought I was eating enough but every time I link my Fitbit it takes my macros into the negative. Is this normal? Is this a good thing? 

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  • Most people set the fitbit to not deduct calories. It is tempting to eat more when you see a negative. 

  • Yes, it is normal 😀

    I actually enjoy the fact that my Fitbit deducts calories/carbs from my daily intake.

    it helps motivate me to get out and walk!

  • Alimccutcheon Alottawine  My thought was it might inspire me to eat :). 

  • debra06201374ad 

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  • Well I have to confess  🤣 I walk for wine ... the 350-400 calories I get credited through my Fitbit I trade a couple of glasses of wine for. 

    For those that enjoy wine with your evening meal it works! 

    I still lose weight although slowly .... 

  • Alimccutcheon Alottawine  I scooped the pasture yesterday for peanuts LOL 

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  • debra06201374ad 

  • Alimccutcheon Alottawine debra06201374ad 

    Very Funny 😅 

    but I’ll choose  🍷 over 🥜  any day! 😆😂🤔

  • Alimccutcheon Alottawine  I don't blame you but I don't drink so what can I say LOL 

  • debra06201374ad 

    you can say that you are a very smart woman indeed!

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  • 5 yrs agoLast active
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