Help please

Hey everyone! I weigh 255 and am trying to get back to 200! My macros are at 28 g net carbs, 140 g protein, and 174 g fat. I’m really struggling with incorporating fat. I find myself having too much protein. Can anyone help me with get closer to reaching my macro levels? Maybe help me with a plan? Thank you 

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  • Hi D,

    Without knowing how you currently eat, it's hard to say how you can incorporate more fat into your diet. Based on my own experience, I would have to say that you're likely eating more meats than things like; avocados, nuts, full fat dairy, coconut oil and the like.  A quick Google of "foods high in saturated fat" will provide you an adequate list.

    Each morning, I have a cup of coffee with a big tablespoon of coconut oil and butter to help feel full and get about 1/3 of the fat macros I need daily.  Hope this helps!

    • Qwerty23
    • Qwerty23
    • 3 yrs ago
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    I add avocado oil to every meal. Scrambled egg in the morning, cooking protein and veg lunch and dinner. For me it has to be an oil that doesn’t add an off flavour to the food. 

    • dcuozzo
    • dcuozzo
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Do you like nuts? Brazil, Hazelnuts? MCT oil,  eggs(omelet cooked in Butter with cheese to start day. I have almost same macros as you. Lower your carbs to 20 and under as well.  I have the opposite. Hard time getting protein but go over on fat. 

  • MediumFats I have tried adding a tablespoon of coconut oil and a tablespoon of heavy cream to my tea in the morning and am so hungry an hour later. It's like I haven't consumed anything! 

  • Sal Paradise Good day to you!  My suggestion doesn't keep me feeling full all day or even all morning sometimes.  Breakfast is essential because if I start my day hungry - all I will do is think about food all day and become discouraged. If I'm feeling very hungry in the morning, I make sure I have a substantial breakfast with something like eggs, bacon and cheese.

    I adjust my meals based on my hunger levels and found it critical to implement exercise and drinking water to help with this as well. A nice walk will help me with my appetite and also with my mental state and a feeling of accomplishment.

    I don't know anything about your current keto plan or how you have been eating, but hope my own experience can benefit you in some small way.

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    • Supermom
    • Supermom.2
    • 3 yrs ago
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    For me, the winner was just coffee with cream for breakfast but it's a cauldron full of coffee.  For lunch 3 extra large eggs with cheese and a half an avocado fills me full up for a good 5 hours.  Dinners are normal dinners just minus the potatoes I used to eat.  Replace with ginormous bowls of salad.  So really just 2 big fat filled meals a day is all you need.  And after supper you're done stay out of the kitchen - til noon the next day other than coffee and tea.  So nuts and cheese are the go to's for bumping up fats.  Careful of nuts stay on almonds as cashews are high in carbs (bummer).

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