Protein shake mixes

I just purchased GNC Wheybolic protein shake. The container says total carbs 3g but carb manager says 31g! Which one is right? I adjusted the serving size to 1 scoop from 2

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  • Are you look at net carbs or total carbs for 31g?

    If total, then it's likely a bunch of fiber carbs, which do not count towards net carbs.    If it's net carbs, then something is wrong, but I don't know who is.

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    • 6 yrs ago
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    Time to compare the nutrient list and submit corrections.  Might be there was a typo when it was entered. I've had to do that a few times.

  • itzclay362b82 

  • Thanks for your reply. I came home last night and decided to scan the product again and other than the net carbs being .2 higher than the packaging states the app matches the packaging 

  • btw, do you need to add protein?       I guess I'm a little different than most people, it's not my carbs I struggle to stay under, it's my protein.      I can't remember the last time I even came close to going over on my carbs, but my protein I have to watch daily and adjust my last meal to prevent going over too much.

    AKA I eat too much meat and not enough veggies.

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    • 6 yrs ago
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    itzclay362b82 I bought some protein powder too, for when I'm not up to preparing food properly, but I too tend to lean heavy on the protein in general.

  • goplay I've read that too much protein can cause your body to turn it into a type of glucose.     A few weeks ago, the local grocery story had ribeyes on sale, and they had big 1 inch cuts that were about a lb and half each.   I grilled and ate multiple ribeyes that week.    I ended up getting many grams of protein and I had a bit of a bump in my weight loss as a result.   

    But preparing food I have lucky because my wife does most of that and we are on the same diet.    So that's not an issue for us.

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    • 6 yrs ago
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    Well, being the wife... I need a wife. :)  

    I've heard bad things about too much protein too-I've been trying to curb my protein to meet the macros but it is what I have a hard time keeping in check. I don't use the powder often, and I half the amount of powder per serving when I do, it's just a back up for me.

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  • itzclay362b82 

  • My issue is protien. I've consistently come short up to 10-12 grams daily. Yesterday though I was only 6 grams short without the shake. It's not for everyday use. I exercise in the evening so if I'm short on protien I'll use the shake

    • linrenep
    • linrenep
    • 6 yrs ago
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    itzclay362b82 just add a big Th of butter to the top of your ribeye. Not only will you eat a smaller portion ( if you honestly quit when filled up...not stuffed) and you are getting your fats too. And it tastes great. 

    • linrenep
    • linrenep
    • 6 yrs ago
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    m_dwaynebell928c if you put protein powder in a shake with healthy fats to balance it out its a great pre- workout or even meal replacement. Just be sure you get the fats at the same time.

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    • 6 yrs ago
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    itzclay362b82  gluconeogenesis is the issue with too much protein.  I was just reading about it here:

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