Struggling with Calories and Carbs

I find I can either get the right amount of carbs or the right amount of calories. If my carbs are where they should be (17), I either have way less than 1200 calories or way more (around 1800). If my calories are between 1200-1400, then my carbs are over 17 (somewhere around 22 carbs). The foods that knock me over my carbs are usually veggies. I'm 2 months in and only down the 10 lbs from the first week then nothing but going up 4lbs then back down. I'm working out 4-6 days a week with moderate exercise, I don't snack and I drink 5 to 8 glasses of water a day.

I'm so frustrated! Any advice??

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    • Pat F
    • Pat_F
    • 4 yrs ago
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    I’d recommend getting your cals first (they’re total ‘fuel’ for your body), and then just keep playing with various food items to get your carbs down.  It’s a lifestyle adjustment for sure.  Remember: most veggies have carbs so there’s no easy answer.

    And if I may suggest, I’d recommend you drink a lot more water; don’t know your height/weight, but there are lots of water consumption calculators out there..  It takes a lot of water to process the fat you’re burning.

    hope this helps.

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    • Stardust
    • Stardust.1
    • 4 yrs ago
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    I have this issue as well because my carbs (14) and calories (1108) are so low.   I am a vegetarian so I have had to plan my meals very carefully.  Pre-planning my meals, entering them in the night before, and sticking to it has made me successful.  Some things that have worked for me are:

    Low carb veggies: spinach is the best for me (1 carb and lots of nutrition).  The lower carb the veggies, the more I can have.  I do vary and eat some cauliflower, zucchini, broccoli, but I have to be careful or I will go over.  

    Supplementing with protein powder that is low carb for one meal a few days a week (and adding MCT oil a d frozen spinach).

    Limiting dairy products as lactose is a milk sugar and can contain hidden carbs.

    I choose what I eat based on the carbs, protein, and fat.  I will often have a veggie rich meal that equals 5-7 carbs and then stick to frozen spinach as my veggie for the rest of the day. 

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    • Larry
    • Larry.7
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Little over a month and 23lbs down. If your situation will allow it eat your meals in 5 small meals for the day instead of 3. I always wind up eating fewer calories sometimes by 1/3. Thats where the weight loss is from. I make sure I only eat clean carbs and then dont fret over whether I'm over or under as long as they are close to my target. Proteins are set high relative to carbs and fat. I have proteins nearly every small meal. Good luck and dont give up.

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    • SaffiyahP
    • SaffiyahP
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Don't give up! Have you been using a scale to weigh out everything? Maybe try adding more dense foods to your intake. I would also recommend using one of the meal plans on the app to get a feel for what you should be eating to reach your macros. Best wishes. You’ve got this!

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    • Breezy510
    • Breezy510
    • 4 yrs ago
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    I have had so much more progress when I stopped using the app to track my food. I was obsessing over every bite of food. Now I intermittent fast at 16:8, drink 8oz of water as soon as I wake up and keto approved coffee. I try to make sure my meals are well rounded, limit dairy and my keto desserts are lily's dark chocolate almonds. I have had a few slip up days just because life gets busy but I'm now down 20lbs. It didn't happen as fast as so many other success stories but I'm happy with it and will continue keto. I have 10-15 to be at my goal size/ weight. When I compare pictures, there is a huge difference and I'm down 2 pants sizes.

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