How about Intermittent Fasting ? Anybody doing this ?

I’m doing 16:8 IF ( internment  fasting) whenever I’m not screaming hungry in the am - right now abt 3-4x a week. Also said to be ketogenic. Anybody ?

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  • Joanna  Thank you!!!

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    • pnhale
    • Education Technologist
    • pnhale
    • 6 yrs ago
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    yatesa12  I have been experimenting with IF. It has given me awesome results! Last time I actually went from eating a very late lunch to mid morning. The scale surprisingly showed a drastic 2 lb. loss which never happened before so quickly. I suppose it won't last, but it was exciting to say the least.

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    • crex52
    • Retired English teacher
    • crex52
    • 6 yrs ago
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    Joanna , can you explain what the Bimuno powder and the oil is for the coffees? Can I order that stuff online? Does it have any taste? I also have been hearing about butter coffee and would love to know more about that. Thanks for your help.

  • Research shows that ketones were the common denominators they found when people were fasting they were producing these things called ketones and they're like well what are these Ketone things and then they did more testing and they realized that when you deprive your body of glucose of dietary carbs your body creates those same ketones so it's a fasting creative ketones and depriving yourself of carbs created ketones it's like a hot way. Finally they found a way where these patients don't have to starve themselves now because they work so hand in hand together they just work harmoniously like you can go on a ketogenic diet get your body used to utilizing those fats for fuel then sort of deprive your body of calories for a short amount of time so that your body has no choice but to seek out store body fat so keto and fasting it's like they're cut from the same cloth but two very different approaches that can be when it comes down to how someone should fast like how long like things like that you have to look at a lot of different equations like for example men and women typically will Fast a little differently women have a few more hormones that are changing there's different reproductive systems that have to be accounted for and it's a lot more of a complex system so it's a little easier for a female to feel a little lethargic when they start fasting I usually recommend like women start with shorter fast like 12 -14 hours increase the length of their fast as they feel adjusted to it and then when it comes down to what your goals are if you're looking for sort of body composition response where you're just looking to trim up or lose a little of body fat you know I recommend like 16- 18 hour fast that's a perfect and just do those a few times per week it's really not that hard it's a matter of going to sleep skipping breakfast and eating lunch it's a little of a mind game with yourself and you realize like wow when I just push the time back in which I eat I actually just eat a lot less and you don't really change your eating habits a lot then of course there's fasting for longevity reasons when you start pushing your fast and Beyond 16 18 20 hours there's a load of metabolic benefits her load of genetic benefits that occur I mean you have high degrees of autophagy you have high degrees of other things that are going on in your body at a genetic level where your genes are actually switching a little to become a little more for lack of a better term I mean stress proof time restricted eating and compressed eating window versus fasting they're pretty darn similar you know some will say that like time restricted eating is more like 12 hours like where you're just like hey I'm just consolidating my eating windows but the end of the day they're kind of the same thing I mean fasting in a sense it's like it's focusing on one over the other right it's like I always look like time restricted eating is focusing on the eating window or fasting focuses on the fasting window but at the end of the day when you back up they're kind of the same thing check out this keto cook book for recipes 

    • James Pipe
    • James_Pipe
    • 4 mths ago
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    ojera isaac sean said:
    Research shows that

     Please share the research link.

  • I did time restricted eating for more than a year. This didn't improve stalls for me though it did help with keeping my calories down. When I am eating true keto, I'm not hungry during my fasting window. However, to safely do this and for proper benefits, age and daily nutrient goals need to be met. In order to eat the right amount of protein during my fasting window, I had to really supplement with the right kind of protein shakes. How is it working for you? 

  • crex52 MTC oil can be purchased at most grocery stores. This is the oil I believe you are talking about. Scientifically based, butter is not a great way to enter ketosis and adds a lot of unnecessary fat when you could be burning it from your own body. I understand that you only add butter when it is a taste preference. LMNT has a tasteless packet that will give you all the electrolytes you need to prevent cramping and eliminate keto flu symptoms. Not sure what bimuno powder is specifically. 

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