Down 45lbs in 6 weeks!!

A bit about myself, I'm 48, My height is 5'8", my beginning weight was 400lbs!!!! So YES, i resembled that BB-8 robot from Star Wars! Basically a huge ball with a small head.  For anyone with 20 or so pounds to lose, please don't expect beginning results like this...

So 6 weeks ago I started and lost nearly 22lbs in the first two weeks, all water, i suppose. But I also began to notice huge differences in the way my body felt. I had ACL replacement surgery on my knee many years ago and it hurt to walk longer than a couple hundred feet and stairs were another level of pain! 3 days into the diet, I went down my stairs and got to the bottom and it hit me! That was quick and...Where's the pain?! It was gone!! My feet and ankles had gotten smaller and suddenly my shoes were loose.  And I've notice other more personal changes, I won't subject anyone reading this to, but I can say, even if I never lost a single pound on this diet, the benefits are immense and I've suddenly realized the American diet is a sham and an EVIL perpetrated upon us.  Humans are not meant to eat like that and Keto, in my opinion is far closer to what we as humans should be eating, even compared to the Paleo diet because, Paleo humans had no access to high sugar fruits but for what grew in their region and for a very limited time.

My current weight as of this morning is 354.8!  I am very proud of my accomplishment thus far.  My goal is to be 300lbs or less by October, I used to play hockey in my younger years and nothing would please me more than to lace up the skates and take my 5 year old grand-daughter ice skating and besides, skating is awesome cardio.  My anniversary goal is to be down 150lbs+ and become the active, athletic person I used to be! Life and depression kicked me in the ass pretty hard the last 10 years but that is past me now but the damage done by those years still remained, until now!  One more side affect of Keto is your mental prowess!  I have never been more focused and clear in my thoughts.  My thinking in the beginning was that of disgust and I can't keep this up anymore, even though my overall mental state was one of feeling down and self-pity, fear for the future and anger.  But that has changed and I find myself positive, focused on the tasks at hand, looking forward to the future with an anticipation I've never felt before, even in my teen years.

Sorry for being so long winded but if this post can help just one person feeling as desperate as I was, regardless of whether you have 10lbs to lose or 250lbs. The Keto diet is a life changer and should be your dietary guide for the remainders of your days.


Good Luck All!!!

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    • Gina
    • Gina.9
    • 5 yrs ago
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    Congratulations 馃帀馃巿!  Your experience is inspiring.  Thank you for sharing.

    Like 4
  • I so enjoyed reading your experience this morning. It is amazing to see what the body can do when the mind is steadfast. I agree with  Gina . You are truly inspiring!

    Like 2
  • WOWWOW you are amazing and so glad you joined up :) 

    Like 2
    • Adaatjr
    • Adaatjr
    • 4 yrs ago
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    You inspired me

    Like 1
    • Vickie
    • Vickie.7
    • 4 yrs ago
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    I read every word of your post. So proud of you!! Keep it up. You鈥檝e got this. I鈥檓 69 and wanted to lose 20 pounds. So far I鈥檝e lost 15. This way of eating to me is not a diet at all. My husband is on board and has lost 22 pounds so far. Good luck. 

    Like 2
    • Stacy
    • Stacy.15
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Congratulations!!  You deserve to feel proud - what a great accomplishment!! Way to go!! 馃憡

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    • Ketogenic Karl
    • Eating the way Humans were designed to eat!!
    • Karkess
    • 4 yrs ago
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    I want to thank everyone for the kind words of encouragement!  I'm officially three months in and am down 67lbs total. I just recently started fasting one 24hr fast per week and one 72hr fast per month. I've found myself getting a bit lazy lately and not logging my meals and not paying close enough attention to my portion sizes and my progress has stalled because of this over the last two weeks. I'm back with vengeance now! And nothing will stop me from hitting my six month goal of 100lbs(by October 5th). I have another 33lbs to go and then the secondary goal of -150lbs total in a year will kick in. I'm hoping to get on ice skates this fall and teach my granddaughter to skate, which is monster cardio as well. Thanks again everyone and I will keep you all updated.

    Like 6
    • Trina
    • Trina.6
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Ketogenic Karl So well done. I love the way you write.  It is so much more meaningful when people tell us the whole story and not just the bare bones. It helps us so much more. Do keep us updated. Enjoy the skating!

    Like 1
    • Don Curry
    • don123donxyz
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Hi I am inspired by your story and. started Keto diet 1.5 weeks ago and down 10.5 pounds. You stated your knees don鈥檛 hurt anymore from doing stairs. I noticed this as well with myself as I鈥檝e had severe joint pain and swelling but now it is all gone completely. I鈥檓 looking forward to jogging again as I did everyday while in the Army many years ago. At one time during a two year span I had jogged over 10,000 miles and look forward to doing it again at a young age of 65.!!

    Like 4
    • L-Boogie
    • LBoogie
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Checking in at 1 month - how ya doin?

    Like 1
    • Don Curry
    • don123donxyz
    • 4 yrs ago
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    • Don Curry
    • don123donxyz
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Down 13 pounds so far not bad for a young  65 year old guy; still have another 55 pounds to go. I鈥檓 taking it 10 pounds at a time for short goals. Started walking 1 mile a day now.

    Like 2
    • Ketogenic Karl
    • Eating the way Humans were designed to eat!!
    • Karkess
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Thank you everyone for your support and encouragement, it means so much to me!!! It's kind of funny, my online forums shows less replies than my app does, but my app is a pain to type in so...

    As for me, I am officially down 79.2lbs today.  I did an average since I started my journey and am averaging a .5lbs a day loss.  Of course, that is just an average but I'm not performing any cardio or weight training.  I'm getting ready to move next month to a larger place and intend on purchasing other peoples fitness mistakes or "clothes hangers" off craigslist and kick my weight loss into over-drive. I have until October 5th to lose another 20.8lbs to reach my 100lb goal and I have no intention on failing! I am also fasting on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for 24 hours(dinner to dinner) but still eat everyday, so it's not too bad.  That has helped me get through current stalls and continue my progress.

    Last but not least, I just started a YouTube channel under my username Ketogenic Karl, if anyone wants to follow along with me and wants to see before and afters.  It is a work in progress and I'm not exactly the most eloquent speaker and only have one video up currently, but plan on "trying" to help and encourage others to join all of us. 

    My insurance not covering bypass surgery is one of the BEST things that has happened to me! I shutter at the thought of all the pain and suffering I would have endured just to change my diet anyway, which should be for life either way if you want to maintain your weight loss, and I did this without having myself cut open.

    OH! I hit another milestone, I have no idea how large anyone reading this but I have suffered the utter humiliation of being seated at restaurant and not being able to fit into a booth, probably the worst feeling I have ever felt. BUT, I fit into a booth yesterday with plenty of room to spare! I truly hope none of you have ever dealt with this but if you have, there is hope, and it can happen quicker than you ever imagined!  I am so thankful for stumbling across this way of eating.  I'll be checking in here in a couple weeks and will be posting a story when I hit 100lbs. I will also be trying for weekly videos on YouTube.  If anyone has any questions or just needs some encouragement, please don't hesitate to contact me privately through the app.

    Thanks again everyone!!!

    Like 9
    • Wjdreamin
    • Wjdreamin
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Like 1
  • Congratulations!! What an amazing accomplishment. 鈽猴笍

    Like 1
    • Sandi
    • Sandi.7
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Good for you! That is a huge success, wishing you all the best!馃憤馃帀鉂わ笍

    Like 1
    • Kimbizee
    • Kimbizee
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Excellent good going!  Thanks for the encouragement.

    Like 1
    • ShadowCaster
    • Almost classy since 1957
    • ShadowCaster
    • 4 yrs ago
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    So, so inspiring. Thank you for sharing your journey!

    Like 1
    • Wireman11
    • Wireman11
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Congratulations! I鈥檓 hoping I have half your success after 6 weeks and I will be ecstatic! Keep it up!!

    Like 1
    • Vickie
    • Vickie.7
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Ketogenic Karl thank you for sharing your story. You are an inspiration to many people. Good luck and keep us posted on your progress. You鈥檝e got this!馃憤

    Like 2
    • Ej
    • diamond_soda
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Hey Keto Karl, 


    Inspiring - I鈥檓 going to be following on YouTube. 


    You are killing it 馃檶馃徑馃挭馃徏馃檶馃徑

    Like 1
  • I don't know where you are now on your scale but I know that it is the same for me. I am 70 years old and started keto after the last holiday season. Lost about 30 pounds so far but I wonder: how come my doctors never told me about this diet before??  Keto is now my lifestyle, just like you say. I know that eating like this is good for me and I look into the carbohydrate contents in everything I put in my mouth. I have to stay under 20 gr of carbohydrades every day. Because I am older that you, I am losing more slowly but this is now my everyday fight. Congratulations for your beautiful testimony above and keep up the good work, Ketogenic Karl!!

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    • Beverly
    • Retired
    • NanaB.1
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Congratulations! 馃憤

    Like 1
    • jessab
    • Homeschooling Mom
    • jessab
    • 4 yrs ago
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     Wow, Karl. You're story is amazing. You're an inspiration. Thank you for sharing.

    Like 1
  • This is so inspiring. Great job! I know you can do this.

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